A gentle breeze lightly stirs the leaves of the plants that adorn the roof of the Berkeley mansion as I lie beneath the stars. A crescent moon gleams midway between horizon and apex. The light is perfect, soft, magical. I am at peace here, for now. The only way it could be more perfect is if music could be playing. I played for hours this afternoon, after a much-needed nap that immediately followed training and the most awkward, unpleasant luncheon in the history of my existence. Not even Kyla s birthday dinner compares to it in awfulness. Dmitri s demeanor did not improve, despite his nap, and Giacomo was almost equally sullen, though presumably for different reasons. Supper was no better, and I have quite lost patience with both of them. The roof is the only part of the mansion where I can have any respite, and even this I fear will be broken by--