Chapter 26

Daylan was very conscious of the suspicious car that was still trailing them with his security team alert of it too.

The break of the strange car slammed harshly into his security vehicle, he had braced himself before hand after giving instruction to his driver to drive? at a speed rate and abruptly halt.

He heard the wheel of the suspicious vehicle behind them expertly screech to a grinding halt inches away from them.

Daylan hurriedly step out of his car before the occupant in the other vehicle had time to attack.

As Daylan dragged the driver out forcefully, the driver bilaterally struck his fist out to hit Daylan on his face who with quick reflexes swayed backwards and immediately hit the driver bringing him on his knees.

"Daylan!! Daylan! What the hell are you doing? Jamie screamed.

Daylan halt from hitting the man repeatedly on his face when he heard Jamie's voice.
