Faye quickly picked her phone and stood up slowly, she waited patiently for the intruder to come in, she knew if Anthony doesn't burst in now she will be long dead before they arrive.
Gunshots fired outside that sent her staggering back, she closed her ears as the intruder kept firing outside. She gently lowered her hands to listen carefully.
" What is going on? Her heartbeat increased rapidly.
It sounds like someone else is shooting back at the intruder, or is her mind playing trick on her?
She walked closer to the window when her door immediately opened with a force, she screamed running close to her bed.
The intruder had finally entered her room, "iam going to die" she shut her eyes as the tears flowed effortlessly........ uncontrollably.
"Faye! Daylan screamed looking round her room.
Her eyes opened immediately she heard his voice, she was stilled "Daylan?
"How did he..........
"Faye!!!! He called with fear.