Chapter 75

" He will be back before you know it Faye, in the meantime I will take you out tonight" his hands massage her shoulder.

She moved away from japhet touch, he was doing that alot lately, and she did not like it one bit.

" No, that is okay I will just stay indoors and read"

He held her hand when she was about leaving, " I won't take a NO for an answer Faye, Daylan would have love you to go out and have fun, iam his brother and he would expect me to entertain you while he is away.

That night they to a club, japhet was his charming self making her laugh and buying her drink, she started getting a little tipsy, he took her onto the dancefloor holding her close.

"Japhet iam feeling a little sick, I drank too much and I think you should take me home now" she slurred feeling hot and her stomach felt queasy.