Chapter 141

"As long as we get the babies out now and stop the bleeding they will be alright, I have to go now"

Daylan sat down and buried his face in his hand, he broke down and cried " I want you to find out who hit us, iam going to make them pay for this"

Two hours later a nurse came out to tell him the babies had been born and they are healthy.

"What about my wife?"

"They are still finishing up with her and they stopped the bleeding. The doctor will be out to talk to you soon, you will be able to see the babies as soon as we are done cleaning and having them checked"

An hour later he was taken to the room where Faye was, he went over bending down to give her a kiss.

"How are you sweetheart?"


"The doctor say you are going to be alright and the babies are doing good too, honey iam sorry I wasn't there with you"

"Your presence wouldn't be of help my love, the main thing is that we are all Alive" she said softly.