Chapter 28

Aria s POV

Once back at the house, we headed straight towards the kitchen. I brewed coffee while David went and took a seat at the table. Mitch just lingered in the kitchen watching, keeping a watchful eye. David s whole demeanour changed once I sat across from him. He suddenly became extremely nervous like he didn t know how to start. I sipped my coffee and watched as he did the same. He kept glancing towards Mitch like he didn t want to speak in front of him.

"Does your friend need to stay?" he asked. I looked towards Mitch who was sitting at the counter reading the newspaper, having heard David speak, he looked up.

"I m not going anywhere, so pretend I m not here," he confirmed what I already knew. Reid had given him strict orders that under no circumstances I was to be left alone with Alpha David.

David realising this turned back to me while Mitch turned back to his newspaper and coffee.