Chapter 30

Aria s POV

Zoe answered after three rings. Her voice questioning "Hello?" I felt relieved upon hearing her voice. I have no idea why I was worried. I had no doubt that she could handle herself, but that didn t make me worry any less. I relayed the conversation between Zane and Reid, letting her know about the Hunters.

"And they are sure they were definitely Hunters?" Zoe asked concern laced her words.

"Positive, they also left a message demanding the Hybrid," I told her. Zoe seemed to think for a minute.

"How do they even know you exist? Only a handful of us know, and I know Reid wouldn t give you up or your Pack. The most intriguing question though, besides the obvious, is why specifically say they want the Hybrid, I wonder what they need you for?"

"I have no idea but, Reid won t let me out of his sight, so I won t be able to visit you until he says, I just wanted to let you know what was going on" I sigh frustrated.