By the time she emerged from the ladies room, she was feeling much better. Brenda walked back into the waiting area, hoping maybe Dave would change his mind and not walk out on her. She rested her head on the chair head rest, thinking about what the future holds for her, because right now all she saw was bleakness. She prayed for the unknown future. Please make everything alright God.
She must have dozed off; the gentle stir in the hospital lobby woke her up. She rubbed at her neck to ease the pain of resting too long in a not too comfortable position. Her wristwatch says the time is 8:02 in the morning.
The Doctor came in just then.
Brenda quickly shot from her seat. "How is he doing, Doctor?"
"The procedure went well ; and he s out of danger. All we need to do now is observe him"
"Thank you so much Doctor." Brenda gave a sigh of relief.