"Greg, I appreciate your concern and support, but I think you should get some rest" Brenda was telling Greg after seeing Ella off to her car.
Are you sure?" his expression mimicked that of a child who finally stood in front of a candy store after being denied sweet treats for long.
"Sure, I m positive" it s definitely a beautiful evening. Brenda looked at the beauty of nature with sparkle in her eyes. Even if her world was turning down, the nature still holds her majestic beauty in place. She pulled her jacket closer to her a body, warding off the chill she was beginning to feel in the night.
"Okay, I suppose I need some rest" He patted her folded arms "Take care dear" he left her on the hospital terrace.
She was finally alone so she decided to take a stroll and enjoy the beauty of the night. If only she knew the danger lurking behind the serene canopy of nature.