Days pass and no improvement has shown itself. Eldrich continues to go to work like nothing was wrong leaving Sienna to wallow in her own despair. Though she tries to convince herself that everything was fine, she feels like a floating iceberg: 2/3 emerged in despair whilst the last 1/3 holds tightly on to the light that continues to flicker.
The hope she holds dearly, despite the recent change in Eldrich's attitude, was the only thing preventing her from fully sinking to the bottom of the deep sea. The kisses he pressed onto her forehead before work every morning, or the way he would cradle her body into his apologizing for being late and whispering goodnight to her sleeping form. But in recent days, even those small gesture seemed like a distant memory. Like an old lover that you think back to once in a while. Distasteful yet forever engraved into your mind. Your body. Your heart.