Chapter 7 new normal

Amellie Cruz

"We need a framed wedding picture in his room and we need to decorate his and put your things in his room. I already talk to everyone and they already knew how to act in front of him."-mom.

"Don t worry about the room, I already talk to Susan and she knew what to do. As for the wedding picture, I already took care of that. They ll be delivering it anytime soon. I have used the power of technology. For the wedding pictures, tell him that you lose the SD card for that a month after the wedding."-dad. I nodded to agree.

"We need to make sure that when he gets home, nothing suspicious will trigger him. Let time heal his physical and mental state."-mom.

"Don t worry mom, I ll try my best to cope up with my new role."-I said. They both hug me.