Chapter 16 short vacation

Ethan Cruz

Amellie looks on everyone behind us. They choose to tag along inside the grocery store.

"Do you have anything that you wanted for dinner? You two Satoh s?"-she ask.

"We re good in any kind of food."-Sora.

"Ah, maybe snacks. Big brother Peter, you should ve take a cart not a basket. -she said. I am pushing the cart. They rub their neck. The other two ladies and chuckle awkwardly.

"The truth is, we just wanted to know how wife do groceries."-Luna. Asami nodded as well.

"Ohh…okay. Come to my side then. I will tell you what you need to learn in a perspective of a wife."

They went beside her and the two boys went beside me too. Peter whispered.

"Girls are scary."-he said.

"Why? Afraid in marriage? Your 30 already, good enough to marry and settle."-I said.

"I m not afraid to that, but what I mean is when you help them in buying things. They take a long hour to do that."-he said.