Chapter 5 Claim Her

The night had come with light drizzling over the city. Streets began to turn vacant as a possibility of storm had been announced by the local government. People became desperate to return in their homes as fast as possible.

Middle of the Silcon Road that ended up leading straight into the wild forests, a car was parked at a corner. A man nearly 40 aged was bending beside the tires. His old face wrinkled face scrunched in irritation when he noticed external damages in his tires.

Not sure about how to return in his home safely, the man almost lost all his hopes and stood there by not knowing his each movements were carefully monitored by two dark shadows from the heavy darkness of trees.

Vincent observed his lord with worry. Pushing away all of his fears momentarily, he dared to question but kept his head hanging low in a sign of submission,

" My Lord! Is it necessary? I mean..You have already killed few. If you continue doing this, we might get into trouble seriously."

Lucien didn't bother to respond to Vincent. His attentive eyes were fixed on his prey as he counted for the right times mentally. He was really trying to restrain his anger or beast nature but something was pushing him hard inside. They wanted their mate safe, sound, out of trouble.

This feelings were making him frustrated and restless at the same time. An animalistic growl escaped through his parted lips invoulantarily. All the nerves inside his head twisted and pushed him forward untill he decided to shut down his thoughts forcefully.

His breathing began to come out as heavy pants. With a low growl, he replied between his gritted teeth,

" I..I can't control anymore..This needs to be finished and he is the sole witness."

Vincent stumbled back nervously when he felt the strong presence of wolf nearby. Lucien's wolf was pushing to come in surface. His majestic aura heavied the air and Vincent felt the urge of lowering his head more longingly. Among werewolves, Royals have the most dominant wolf who can lead the entire realm. Before Alphas, Royals are the most respected and powerful werewolves in the world. It was natural for Vincent to feel pressurized under such dominant presence.

With another animalistic snarl, Lucien's eyes snapped open in shot, welcomed the dense darkeness with his pair of red lavatic eyes. His wolf took control and there wouldn't be any more kindness left inside him now.

His wolf wanted blood!

Lucien breathed hard, reached out to rip off his fancy suit. Once he began to undo the buttons, Vincent still tried to calm him down,

" Your Highness! This is..."

His wolf barked in an ordering voice,

" Stay Back! I need to keep my mate safe! "

After the saying, his transformation took over under Vincent's fearsome eyes. A black wolf that represented the definition of cruelty started heading off for the man who was still grumbling with his fuse tires.

The old man was still trying to figure out a solution but the wind was getting a lot more powerful as each moment passed away. Deciding to leave his car hereby, he inteneded to take a ride in a taxi and began to walk for the southern way.

Everything was smooth in his head untill he sensed a piercing gaze on him. Halting in his track, his face arched back to look through the trees. His blood froze as he found those burning eyes.

Lucien's wolf didn't step back after his stare. Rather he moved forward, walking out of the darkness and appeared in that man's sight with his giant animalistic black body. The man howled frighteningly, inteneded to run away but his action didn't work fast.

Lucien launched his body in the air, aimed right on his neck and bit on his neck hardly. The rest of that incident wasn't much unpredictable. Less then a one day, another murder incident happened in the same city.

After he was done with that man who witnessed his murder of those boys, Lucien's wolf walked back into the forest with his victorious glory. Vincent could only sigh in helplessness as he watched Lucien transforming.

Vincent couldn't help but asking nervously,

" What will you explain to Queen Mother? To bury one incident, you have killed another one. How long do you want to continue this incidents?"

Lucien breathed out heavily. His expression was complicated in various thoughts. Pressing his lips together tightly, he reasoned pacing back to forth,

" I can't control my wolf this time, Vincent. I tried to hold back myself but you know...once the bond is activated...I can hardly think about anything else... Right now, I have only one way to stop this unexpected incidents..."

Vincent understood his concern. Inching closer, he questioned even though he knew the answer,

" What would you do, My Lord?"

Lucien gritted his teeth together hardly. Letting out an impatient groan as he responded swallowing hard,

" I have to claim her as mine officially."