Chapter 7 *** Make A Decision ***

His command left Isabella wordless. Not sure about his intention at all, she began to feel insecured about him all of sudden. Surely, he was a gentleman with prestigious status but girl shouldn't trust me easily even if he promises to bring down sky for her.

Her palms placed over her evening dress began to shake lightly. She tried to calculate everything how was she supposed to know his reason from going into the forest. It sounded ridiculous but definitely she wasn't expecting the next incident.


Vincent parked their car in front of forest. Drapped in thick darkeness, the forest appeared like a dark hallow from outside. Isabella peered her eyes outside and was instantly shook in fear when she noticed where he had taken her. It was the city's most darkest forest that she heard from her class teacher.

Lucien unbuckled his seat belt and ordered hoarsely without paying attention on her face that showed utmost fear,

" Follow me outside. Don't worry, you are safe."

Feeling muddleheaded momentarily, Isabella pushed open the car door hesitantly and followed his footsteps. Vincent, as a loyal servant trailed them off closely without daring to look at Isabella's face. Royal wolves were over posseive, obsessed about their mates. To avoid angering his king, Vincent kept his head hanging lowerer.

But after going few steps, Vincent was halted in his track as Lucien signalled him to stay over there. Vincent secretly sighed in worry for Isabella. She was a fragile woman without having any clues of this beasts living behind the darkeness. He hoped that Lucien wouldn't scare her at their first meeting.


Lucien stopped until they were middle of the forest without anyone around. The bright moonlight coming down from the sky helped Isabella to look at his walking back.

Lucien breathed heavily. The scent of his mate was deeply bothering his wolf. Holding his breath in his lungs, he turned around and looked into Isabella's curious eyes. She didn't approach him and maintained almost a meter distance gap between them.

Lucien spoke sparking her curiosity more and more,

" Sometimes things don't go according to our own choices, Isabella. You have to accept your destiny even if you don't want. Loosing is better than running at least."

Isabella narrowed her eyes slightly. Fondling with her clothes, she replied innocently,

" I don't understand your words..I..I don't even know you.. How come you say that we are destined?"

Lucien kept his eyes on her for a while. Without speaking anymore words, he began to undo his clothes slowly. Isabella stumbled, freaked out by his intention,

" What.. what are you doing? Listen to me! My friend already knows about my location. If you think that you can.."

Lucien's voice cut off sternly,

" Relax! I could have done everything when I had the opportunity."

Isabella's mouth agaped slightly in surprise. His words defined that they had met before.

Could.. Could it be..he was the man who brought her home?

Before her thoughts could reach in a conclusion, Lucien took his transformation to present his real identity. In a blink of eye, the muscular man turned into a bloodthirsty beast with giant animalistic black body. His dominant aura was so powerful that the air heavied after his presence.

Isabella gasped taking several steps back and held down a fearsome cry into her stomach. Her lips trembled violently but she found no strength of screaming. The animal was staring at her with unblinking eyes.

After staring at his beast features for a while, Isabella's realization hit her hard. Searching through her uncleared, vague memories, she recalled that she had seen this beast.

Yes! She did on that night!

Her feet got bumped against a hard stone. Letting out a low cry, she fell down on the ground and began to sob lowly. Her pleading came out instinctively after facing such terrified creature like Lucien,

" Please don't hurt me.. Please don't.."

She begged for her dear life naturally. Lucien who didn't expect her to cry immediately backed up. He didn't expect her to shed tears so soon.

Human nature!

But his wolf hated the sight of his crying mate. Without wasting anymore second, Lucien regained his human composure and quickly slided into his pant.

Kneeling in front of her slowly, he coaxed eagerly,

" Don't.. don't cry..I am not gonna hurt you..I just want to let you know that why is it important to get us married."

Isabella blinked at him through her tearful eyes and gave him a questioning glare. Lucien continued finding it difficult to explain to a human that how their lives worked,

" I..I understand that you aren't familiar with creatures like us. Unfortunately, our bond had been activated already. If you don't marry me, my wolf will become vicious day by day. are my mate, Isabella. We are destined to become husband and wife. But before everything, I wanted to tell you the truth. I..I am a werewolf. It was me who saved you and danced with you that night. I swear that I had done nothing intentionally. I wanted to save your life but you became my mate as you used my blood to heal yourself."

Everything was spinning inside Isabella's head. She couldn't fully understand that what did he mean exactly but one thing, she understands that she had to get married with a beast like him.

Isabella mumbled between her sobs,

" NO!! I didn't ask you to save me. It was you! You made this mess up. I am a simple human and don't understand this complicated words. Please! I am asking you to stop bothering life. I don't care whatever I am or not. Find someone else to become your mate."

Lucien breathed hard. His wolf was getting irritated by her cold attitude. It was difficult to maintain his polite tone. He replied stressing on his words,

" If I had other options, I wouldn't have come to explain you, Isabella. Don't provoke my anger! We can't be separated any longer. The bond is driving me crazy."

Isabella brust out her anger. Her drawn eyes glared at him hatefully,

" What will you do if I don't marry you? Kill me like those bastards? Why didn't you let me die at that night? At least, it was best to die rather than marrying a monster like you."

Lucien's wolf growled inside. Angered by his mate's words, he roared out beastly,

" ISABELLA!! Since you aren't ready to listen to me, I have no other option than threatening you this time. You saw my real shape, didn't you? Since I can't hurt you, I can definitely hurt the people around you. Let me tell you in advance! If you try to mingle with other men, each one of them will become death. You don't know what can a werewolf king do! "

Lucien warned in a serious voice, caused her tears to fall down restlessly. She never expected that her simple life would become ashen one day. She could tolerate her pain but her parents.. they were her biggest weakness.

Lucien resumed a little softly then previous time,

" Now you can make your decision. I promise that I won't keep you with me for eternity. It is the only way to safe everyone around of us."