Chapter 8 Rogues

Dwayne's P.O.V

As I step outside, I was welcomed by fifteen snarling rogues. They look larger for a normal rogue. And they seem to come here prepared.

A smirk formed in my lips as I let my power radiant, the pressure in the air can be smelled from across the field.

One of them shifted back to his human form. He has black hair and a good build body, and I'm sure he wasn't just a normal rogue. This one is imitating a much powerful wolf compared to the other fourteen rogues here.

"We don't wanna kill you, we just want the girl." He said calmly. His eyes shifted to the upper floor where my mate's room is located.

"If you can kill me." I hissed, my wolf is itching to snap them one by one.

"Very well then." I can feel that he was dangerous. He tilts his head to the side and the other made their move.

He motioned to the other 3 wolves pointing to the second floor.