Chapter 20 That place

Klaire's P.O.V

"Shall we start?"

Everyone nodded their head. Clint circled the area where we found the passage around the Cliff.

"This is the passage that the Rogues used to get inside without being traced," Clint mumbled. The commotion started, not believing that some Rogues know that passage.

"We haven't used that for ages and no one no that passage except for the higher officials," Arthur said, the Alpha of the South Lake. He somehow had a resemblance with his son Rion.

They all became silent for a moment.

"There was a traitor," Brent announced. They all look surprised by the sudden news. Did they trust their officials that much?

"What do you mean, Alpha Brent." The one with the long hair asks. He was Gregory if I remember it right, the Alpha of the White Moon. He doesn't look pleased by what he heard.

"What I mean is someone within the Four Factions betrayed us. " They all remain quiet, not knowing what to say.