Chapter 32 Diary

Dwayne's P.O.V

After I shower, I head downstairs where my parents are waiting for me together with Sarah and Zion.

"Good morning Alpha." I nodded my head to the pack members that started greeting me when I finally reach the 1st floor.

"How are you?" My mother ask worried, I hug her back.

"I'm fine mom." I let go of her and look at my father's direction. He nodded his head indicating he knew what I was thinking already.

"Let's talk to my office." I mumbled and head to the old office of my father. Zion followed us from behind.

The office had change a little but the same interior is still there. A new long table was already been replace. I sat down at my new claimed position. My Father and Zion sat in front of me.

"Any news with the Royalties?" They look intrigued as I am right now. Zion shake his head.