Chapter 62: Larry

Dwayne's P.O.V

When we reach the South, the pack were already expecting us. Right now their pack is in chaos because they don't have an Alpha at the moment only the former Alpha is standing as a replacement.

"Rion never mentioned his mate." I mumbled as soom as I was alone with Lindon. He turn around and stared at me with a blank face.

"He wouldn't even talk to her about anyone after what happened." He answered.

"Do you have any idea why Rion betrayal the Faction?" This made him froze. A sudden rage on his breathing.

"I don't know. I was even asking that myself, did I really know him? It just sucks that I have to stand beside a murderer all this time." He clench his fist. I know he was more than angry for Rion's betrayal. He was his closest friend, and right now I understand why he didn't tell the Faction about Devon.