Eliot's P.O.V
"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" I pulled Clint's arms unsure why the hell did he let the Faction do this to us.
"We have to obliged, you know the rules." He mumbled, It's been weeks since we left. The Central Kingdom was already aware of the situation. They all wanted to retaliate but Clint forbid them.
"What about Klaire?" This made him stop and turn to face me. His eyes were blank just like how Klaire. They are really siblings in this lifetime.
"Right now we won't do anything." A loud crash caught our attention.
"So they decided to show their true intentions." Clint uttered, staring at the entrance towards the inside walls.
"Are you saying the Rogues are here?" I ask unsure, he shakes his head.
"The Faction." He mumbled, then Yustef show up out of nowhere.
"The Elders are here." He announced, I glance at Clint. He look calm and not surprised at all. Did he know all about this all this time?