Chapter 51 Amara

Amara's P.O.V

"They have arrived." He said. If I were still Klaire I would be scared of seeing them right now. But I wasn't her anymore. Even though I know part of her is still within me. But right now I am no longer Klaire, I am Amara.

I didn't answer him and just turned my back on him and start walking outside.

I know that I wasn't fully awakened yet, there are still parts of me wanting to run away from here and go back to where they are. But I can't anymore not after everything. This is not something that I could just bury at the back of my head and forget about it.

"Looks like they have company." He added as we heard the footsteps of werewolves coming our way. And soon after hundreds of werewolves appear.

"They are from the Faction." He mumbled, we are surrounded by them then he suddenly turned his back on me and started walking away.

"Where are you going?" I ask unsure what is going on in his head.