Chapter 52 Dwayne

Dwayne's P.O.V

The sight in front of us is like a straight-out of a horror movie, it was gruesome. Dead bodies flying around and the ground was all painted by red blood. I can feel my heart pounding as we approach the scene in front of us.

Where is she? I won't forgive myself is something happened to her. Then the familiar scent of vanilla caught my nostrils. I can't be mistaken.

"She was here." I announce and started following her scent, as we get further another familiar scent caught my attention.

Sarah? I glance to where her scent came from and found her lying on the ground. She was bleeding, I tried to find anything that she could use to cover her body.

"Sarah?" I tried to shake her shoulder just to make sure she was awake. Then she weakly open her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She look afraid once she open her eyes then when she notice that it was me she started crying.