Chapter 58: It was only starting

Dwayne's P.O.V

I scan her empty room, inhaling her scent. Closing my eyes as I imagine her here with, how her voice sounded, the way her pale skin flush because of anger as she hated me. I chuckle to myself.

Haha! She hated me...

As I walk further to her room something reach my nostrils. An unfamiliar scent. This can't be? I jump from the terrace and shifted.

Shit please tell me I was right. I ran faster but all I can see and hear is the wave.

Am I going crazy? I thought I caught her scent and that scent I remembered it was the same somehow similar to the scent in the Island. I thought perhaps they came here. But I guess it was all in my head.

I came back to the packhouse feeling a bit tired frome everything that is happening.

My heart is pounding so hard that it hurt so much. I can't remember the last time I look forward to a new day.