Chapter 76: Alec

Dwayne's P.O.V


I glance at the darker side of the forest, we couldn't see anything nor hear anything.

"Are we going to go after him?" One of them mumbled. They sounded frightened and I couldn't blame them. After seeing those rogues, something about them is weird.

"You and the others stay here. Make sure to remember the way to get out of here in case something happened ang get help. And you on the other side with the others follow me." They all nodded their heads.

Haft of us went to follow Ryan, I shifted to my Wolf and the others follow. I don't know why but our vision isn't that clear around this area. So we need to sharpen our ears.

"Where are they?" Someone mumbled, I told them to shut up and focus.

"Wait I heard something." Someone said. As he said that the sound of cracking bones echoes. Followed by the screaming sound of Ryan.