Chapter 81: Markings

Dwayne's P.O.V

"I will kill you!"

He rushed forward and I move a step back then twist his hand to avoid the knife.

"I will fucking kill you!" He was screaming at me. And aiming non stop to my heart.

He was full of hatred, I was even surprised that his wolf wasn't even showing right now. But then I notice something strange his eyes are dull and lifeless yet I can feel how angry his thirst to kill me.

I tackled him on the ground and pinned both his arms. He let go of the knife while he still struggles to get away from me.

"STOP!" Everybody stop fighting and dale match towards us. I was still pinning him on the ground.

"What is going on in here?" He grabbed the knife that is laying on the ground.

"Why did you have this Renz?" Dale ask, Renz was having a hard time to lift his head so Dale told me to let him go.