Chapter 93: Clint

Clint's P.O.V

Zion and I decided to split up and he will go upstairs because he knows that place more than I do. While I will go and check the office. Because I've been there quite sometime so I was familiar with it.

I open the door and it swung open. The place still looks exactly like the way it was before. But what does that book looks like. Kariz said that the book contains the ritual to return everything back to it rightful place. We don't know the real meaning of that but we guess that our abilities will return to Klaire.

I started rummaging the cabinets, tables and the bookshelves. Nothing was in here that looks like anything useful. I turn around and was about to go out when something caught my eyes. It was a book right at the top of the bookshelf, it wasn't that visible unless you are in this position.