It has now been two days; there is absolutely no improvement with Tyler. I have been talking to him, hoping that it will bring him back, but that is not even working. I am beginning to lose hope; my heart is fearful that this is it; we have been stealing second chances all our lives, maybe they are up.
Doctor Cane says I should have faith, but how can you have faith if the person you have faith in is not even here. There is no such thing as miracles either; they are just a pure coincidence that something has come together.
Since the accident, I have not been home; I don't want to see that place, there are too many memories there, good memories, memories of a life spent together. One day these times spent in this hospital room will become a memory too.
It reminds me of the place where we would have raised our child, where we vowed to spend our lives together, pledge our undying love, promised always to be there for each other, now even that lives in ruin.