Chapter 8 THE SCRIPT

Mrs. Park with a shocked and worried gaze, scanned Ben and Laura's face, "Oh, goodness", she cried astonished by the bruises on their faces. "What happened to your face? why those bruises?".

Ben and Laura's face immediately went numb, wearing a blank look, befuddled. Ben faintly cursed, "Gosh, you're such a bitch, Laura. I so curse the day you were admitted in this school". He quickly turned his gaze to Fred and Patrick with an appealing look, seeking their assistant out of the mess he found himself.

Alixes swiftly glanced at Laura and slowly buried her head on the desk with a faint whisper as she scratched her hairs, nervous.

" My days!, Laura, you're definitely done".

Laura glanced around with a brood look; glared at Ben with a sly grin, cursing him underneath her breath, "Damn you, jerk!!, wish I could strangle the living day light out of you here and now. I wouldn't have been in this mess if not of you. I so hate to lie".

Mrs. Park,who for the past 5min had been suppressing her impatience, roared,

" Why keep silent? What happened to your faces"

Laura with a composed personality, masked her anger with a false smile and turned her attention back to their teacher. " Sorry, Mrs. Park. Actually, my driver and I were attacked on our way to school by some masked men"

" Oh, my God! Hope it wasn't so bad"

Laura quickly nodded with fake tears and an agonized look.

"So glad to hear that. Have you already reported it to the police or your parents?"

Laura hastily replied, "No, please I don't want my parents to know about this neither the police. They'll be so worried about me if they get to know and will want to drop me off henceforth and I don't want that".

Mrs. Park hesitated for awhile but finally accepted her plead after which she asked her to go to the infirmary for first aid and take some rest. Laura placed back her book in her bag and strolled out with a wry grin at Ben who glared back at her; his expression was hard.

Alixes sighed with a radiant look, relieved

"Wow, that was so close but see, she just got out of it with no stress at all. So brilliant!! ".

Mrs. Park's voice echoed through the room once again while Laura got out, questioning Ben on his bruises. Laura chuckled with a mischievous, satisfied grin and trod off towards the infirmary.

Ben answered with a brood look, "It was a minor accident, ma'am. I slipped and smashed my head into the door at the washroom some few minutes ago"

Patrick swiftly added, " Yes, ma'am, we helped him to the infirmary ".

Mrs Park stared at them, not so convinced. "With such a bruise? "

They nodded. She slightly shook her head and returned back to her earlier topic. Ben sat down a bit relived but lost in thoughts; thinking about the upcoming drama and the role he and his greatest enemy had to play together. It was like been cast into the deepest but of hell for him. Just then, a sly grin spread through the corners of his lips.

" That's it!!, the easiest way to accomplish my plans", he mumbled but was suddenly drawn back by Mrs. Park's voice.

" Have it, Ben, the script for your roles. Since Laura is not here at the moment, you can hand it over to her after this lesson when you meet to discuss how best you can meet to rehearse".

With a surprised look, he exclaimed, "Me? But why does it have to be me? Alixes her friend here can hand it over to her".

"Because you guys are our main leads and got to work together; got it now? No more excuses and questions", she said with a smile, placed down the book on his desk and strolled off back to the board. "This ends today's lesson. Have a great day rehearsing and planning for the event,see you all, bye".

The class responded, cheerful except Ben and Alixes. Mrs Park picked up her stuff and trod out. Alixes quickly dropped her books in her bag and sped out towards the infirmary with the speed of light.

Ben hived with a distressed and upset look. Patrick and Fred held his shoulders, worried.

"Hey, man, are you okay?",Patrick queried.

He nodded," Yeah, come on, Let's get out of here".

They strolled out with Ben leading the way.

"There's a change of plans. I've got another plan which is way easier to get the job done"

"What is it?", Patrick and Fred mumbled together as their voices faded in the distance.


Laura laid on one of the beds lost in her novel. The nurse in charge came by and placed a bottle of water on the tables next to the beds,gazing at her. "Hope you're much better now, Laura"

Without looking up from her book, she answered,"Yes, Miss Beauty but want to rest here for awhile. I'm not in the mood to meet those low lives. They really messed up my day"

"Alright,I'll be at my post then. Let me know when you need anything ".

"Sure, thanks".

Beauty strolled to her desk and sat down, enjoying some snacks. At that moment, Alixes sped in on them as if being chased by a lion, shouting Laura's name; causing them to sprang out of their seats in fright.

" Gosh, Alixes, you scared the hell out of us", Beauty exclaimed, breathless.

" Yeah, girlfriend, what's all these about ",added Laura as she picked up her book from the floor and sat back on the bed.

" Sorry, so sorry about my manners but you won't believe this, Laura".

Laura swiftly queried indifferently, "What's it?"

Alixes sat beside her, catching on her breath. She picked up the bottle of water and took a sip. Laura took a glance at her and shook her head with a faint smile, "Oh, Alixes, this is so you, gosh"

She chuckled and went back to her novel.

"Mrs Park gave your script to Ben to hand it over to you "

" What!!"

"Yeah, girlfriend, you heard me right but that's not all. You're to plan together your meeting and rehearsal time since you guys are the lead characters in the drama which you already know what that means. You got to stay on campus in the hostile till the festivity is over".

"Hell no, I can't stay together for just a minute with that foul mouthed brat and not to talk of rehearse together", said Laura as she rushed out.

Alixes hurried after her

" Hey, where're you off to? Wait for me!!"

"To Mrs Park's Office. I've got to talk to her"

Beauty stared at them through the window with a faint smile as their voices faded away.

"These kids", she mumbled and returned back to the files on her table.