Chapter 42


Zeus closed the door of the closet and went back towards the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned in. He pulled a box out from under his bed and pulled it upon his bed. He opened the box and emptied it on his bed. It was filled with all her belongings.

All the gifts she had bought for him. The letters she had sent for him. The flowers she had sent for him. He could not help but feel as if someone squeezed his heart as he looked at everything. A tear escaped his eye as he grabbed the cutest little teddy bear she had gifted him.

She gifted that teddy to him on his birthday. She sewed it with her own hands. It took her two days to make him that teddy bear. She gave up her meals and good night sleep just to make a perfect teddy bear for him. She chose his favorite colors. Brown and black. Without any care, she made him that teddy.