Chapter 9

" Ok Robert, it's time for us to go inside. Carry your things, we are going to the house now," said Robert's father with a very low tune trying to signal his son telling him that it was already time for them to go see his grand mother in her house. As he woke up quickly. His father was so flexible in all domains.

" We have spent a lot of time here already. We are already about 10 minutes late for the appointment that we had with your grand mother. So hurry up let's go. " Robert's father said with a very tense voice as he was speeding up with everything that was left out. As he wanted to make sure that he had not forgotten any thing that belongs to Robert in the car. Once he has checked every thing and every thing was perfect, he now decided to leave that place.

" Ok son. Every thing is checked. Let's go. " He said to Robert as he was being so straight forward with his son and trying to hurry up with every thing that he had to do so that they could go directly to his grand mother's house.

Immediately as he tried to close the door behind him, the door of the car fell.

" O my God! What are all these right now? " Robert's father said with so much disappointment in his heart as he was already very tired. He had been working the whole of that morning.

He was already very exhausted from every thing that was happening then. But with out with standing, he was at least trying for his level. It was very common to see young men of his age at that time suffering just the way he was suffering for his kid.

It was a normal thing for him to do that because he really loved his kid and really felt pity for him.

As well as he also felt sorry that he was unable to provide every thing that his son needed at that time. He felt very sorry as Robert did not ever ask to be brought to this world. So he did not have to suffer for any reason in the world the way he was suffering at that moment.

Robert's father kept on blaming him self for every thing that was happening to Robert at that time because he feels and knows that it is because of him that Robert was suffering that way.

He also knows that Robert has the right to happiness just like every other child has the right to happiness. But that was not the case with him since he came out from a very poor home where his father could not provide all the necessary things that he has always needed in his life to make his life so complete.

But how ever, Robert felt like the love and compassion that his father was showing to him already was not just enough for him but also more than enough for him as not all parents will show love to their children just the same way that his father was showing him.

He appreciated him for every second in his life and has never wanted to lose him.

Nor has he ever thought of losing him because his father was the only person that he had on earth that could love him unconditionally and treat him right as well as fight for him no matter what. All these virtues that were just named here are virtues that make Robert's father be such an exemplary single father as well as a father with a very huge and big difference.

His kind was just so hard to find any where. Not now, not ever. He was ready to carry out huge and very drastic decisions that could even make him get imprisoned just because of his son Robert. When it came to his son, he did not care about what was going to happen to him after the drastic decisions he will take or even the kind of results that could follow the kind of bad decisions that he could take.

It was not really an easy step to take but there was always the need to do that if and only if it was concerning his son at that moment. He could even go more deeper if his son Robert was hurt a little bit by any one.

How ever, he has always been trying his best so that such things should not be occurring to his son especially during his absence when other children mock him saying that he was from a very poor home and also that he was not supposed to mingle with them for any reason because he does not belong in their circle.

How ever, it was a good thing that Robert had already known how to keep his silence when ever such provocating statements were been thrown on him. It was a very good thing as he had already understood that it was not every thing that his friends were saying about him. that he was to answer.

" Robert, please can you do me a favour? " Robert's father said with a normal tone. As he wanted that Robert should do some thing for him real quick. He did not want that any thing to happen to his son as he was still standing there and continued observing there with you. Robert's father had made every second of his life to be so magical as he was always very happy seeing his father smile with him.

He was always very excited with the idea that his son was so happy being with him all the time.

As Robert being such a very young boy at a very tender age of just five years old, decided to finally accept at last the decision that his father had taken for him that he was going to start living with his grand mother for some time while he looked for money to take care of him. As well as he had promised him that he was going to come back to take him as soon as he succeeds to get a lot of money.

" I promise you my son that every thing will be fine. Just trust me. " Robert's father said to Robert as he was bending down directly in front of Robert in order to look at him while giving him the promise right in to his eyes.

Robert's father while saying these promises meant every single word of what he was saying that day as he looked at his son right deep in to the eyes.

Robert's father loved him so much as well as he too loved his father so much. He could not believe that at that moment in time he was going to be separated from his father. He felt like if his father was supposed to leave him there at his grand mother's house, he will never get to see him again in all his life.

But that was not the case here as his father was really being a hundred percent honest with him and he was actually telling him the truth about what he was feeling and what he was going to do some other time. Robert was feeling bad that his father was going to leave him and he will not be able to see his father again for a very long period of time while he goes and looks for enough money to take care of them both.

Robert's father was very proud of him as he saw that his son was becoming stronger. He loved the courage and thought as well every single day that passed that Robert had taken directly after him as he was following his foot steps.

Every thing he was doing he was doing it not only for him self but for both him and his son Robert. His only son and the only family that he had left in the world. How ever, there was the need for them to go separate ways if they all wanted things to go on well in their lives.

How ever, Robert was very ready as he knew that at least it was his grand mother's house that he was going to love in with her and not a total stranger's house. Robert's father was just so happy that he could make his son happy and laugh a little bit before he was leaving for where so ever he was going to in order to look for a very tangible place where he could work and be well paid.

" Promise father? " asked Robert with a very tiny voice trying to make his father assure him totally that he was not lying to him but he was saying the truth to him. He wanted him to know that he will miss him so much and that he can not live with out him no matter what.

" I promise you, baby," answered Robert's father with a normal time as he was trying to make things right and assuring his son that he should not worry about any thing that was happening. And that every thing that was happening at that time was all temporary and they were all for a short period of time.

" How long will you stay out there before coming back to check on me or even take me to let us leave this place? Because I am already so tired of the whole situation and could no longer continue with such suffering.

" Come on Robert, I do not know yet but I will try to see how things go," said Robert's father with so much remorse as well as with a very convincing tone trying to convince his son Robert to accept all of the proposals that he had just given to him. Since he had to start living independently as it had just started.

There was the need for such advice to be given to Robert since he has already become a grown-up man.

How ever, Robert's father had said some thing to him before he had taken off to where so ever he was going to. " Do not forget this ok? The sweetest story in this life is the one that the hero always passes through a lot suffer before succeeded and having Victory over every thing that he wants. While the ugliest story is that which the hero does not suffer any thing before passing the test or even succeeded.

You should learn how to make your choices very wisely as to what concerns life time decisions. "

Said Robert's father putting on a very serious v

countenance as he was not joking with what he wanted to say to him. He was a very tense and straight forward person when it comes to pieces of advice. Robert's father had one of the best bits of advice because he was a victim of circumstances. He has once been a victim of circumstances and he is still a victim of circumstances as he is ready to make sure that the trouble and hardship that he has been facing all through his life, he did not want that the same thing should happen to his son.

These all explain why he has been struggling, trying, and fighting so hard to make sure that his son at least should become a better man. He was ready to do any thing for his son just to make him happy.

How ever, there was the need for them to hurry up so that he could finally go and start looking for a job that could give him a lot of money in his life. There was the need for him to be very careful with every thing that he was going to do because his life at that moment meant a lot to him as he has to make sure that he lives for his son.