Chapter 15

Robert's grand mother was cooking ground meat sauce and some boiled rice. Also accompanied with some baked potatoes. Robert's grand mother was cooking that food because she knew that Robert and his father were both coming to her house. She does not usually cook much food like that because she lives alone and if if in case she happens to cook much food like that , she might not end up eating it.

So the food in which she was cooking was specially for Robert and his father whom she knew that they both were coming to her house. And at last, she was happy that they both could make it to her house. How ever, she finally told decided to her son what was giving such an amazing perfume that was ravishing the whole house and that no one could resist the smell from it.

" It's ground meat sauce and some boiled rice. " Madam Margaret said with a very normal tone as she was very excited that her son was enjoying the smell from the food she was cooking as well as was giving it some good qualities too.

" Accompanied also with some baked potatoes and some baked chicken. " She finally continued as she was saying it with a very broad smile being so happy and excited following the fact that she had succeeded to charm both her son and her grand son most especially to be very happy with her through the food she was cooking at that particular moment.

At least she had a point for making them happy with her through the food she was cooking very early that morning. " I cooked the food specially for both of you because I knew that both of you were coming today. Soon, the food will to be ready. " Madam Margaret said with a very calm and subdued voice as she was so happy.

From the smile on her face, one could really see that she was very happy and excited that morning. " You both should just have a sit on the dining table. I will be back. " Madam Margaret said with a very calm voice smiling from mollars to mollars as she started heading to the kitchen to continue cooking so that she cooled finally serve the food for all of them to eat just like one family.

Once in the kitchen, she noticed that all the food were already ready. The food she was cooking had gotten ready due to the time that she had stayed in the living room talking to both her son and her grand son.

Seeing this, she now started dishing out the food on different presentable breakable bowls. The boiled rice had some carrots and green beans in it as well as some little onions passing in it. The ground meat sauce when served had a very good texture and color.

The baked potatoes were just so amazing to see as the smell was just so sweet. While the baked chicken was just so amazing and attractive as it had a very attractive and unique brown color with all the different spices and condiments that were being used to cook it. The smell from the baked chicken could make one get so satisfied even before he or she starts eating the baked chicken. Not to talk of the other different foods that she had cooked earlier that day.

Any way, it was a good thing that she had cook this kind of food because, at least, Robert at the age of five will now be able to eat a good food for the first time in all his life. And he is very fortunate that the good food he was about to eat was coming from his grand mother.

Once done with dishing out the food into the different presentable breakable bowls, she now decided to carry them one by one to the dining table. Once done, she now say on the dining table as well with them. Robert seeing such good for his first time was so excited because he has never been previledged to eat such a good food in his life.

He wanted to be very sure that every thing he was seeing were actually happening because he was was really finding it difficult to believe everything that was happening to him at that particular time.

The food was just attractive and very charming that he could not wait to dig in the food. Robert wanted to eat every single thing that he was seeing on the dining table. He was ready to eat every thing that was found there at that party moment with out putting aside any single thing.

Any way, from his reaction, his grand mother Madam Margaret could clearly understand all what he has been going through while being with his father all these while. Any way, she could understand every thing perfectly as she told Robert to go on and dish his food.

" Robert, I know you must be hungry by now. So go ahead, dig in. Take any thing you want to eat. I cooked the food specially for you and your father. So feel free. Ok ? " Madam Margaret said with a very broad smile as she was so happy with the fact that Robert could finally eat the food that she had cooked for him and his father.

Robert, with every thing that his grand mother Madam Margaret had told him, he now decided to dish his food as he rapidly send his hand on the laps of the chicken trying to cut the chicken laps since that's where his hands could reach. On trying to cut it, the heat from the baked chicken burnt his hands.

" Aouchhhh ! It burnt me. " Robert said with a very loud voice as he was shouting. His grand mother Madam Margaret seeing that was very upset with her self as she was not really vigilant with what Robert was doing. As she hurriedly looked for some water and put his hands in it in order to cool down the Pains that he was feeling at that time.

Instantly, the pains that Robert was feeling died down with no stress. As his grand mother took his hands and started fanning it as well. After fanning it, the pains that he was feeling on his hands calmed down instantly.

How ever, Madam Margaret decided to now dish his food as she finally helped him to cut off the chicken laps that he wanted to cut off before the heat from the food had burnt his hands.

Once done cutting the chicken laps, she now served it in his plates as well as she served him some of the boiled rice that was found on the dining table in his plate. And continued as well to spray some of the ground meat sauce on the boiled rice.

And Immediately when she was done, she now told Robert to start eating. As she left to the kitchen to bring some fruit juice and some water that could keep them going while they were eating.

When she came back, Robert's father had already dishes his food as he was also very hungry as well. He needed enough food even more than his son Robert. As he first of all started by dishing some baked potatoes and some ground meat sauce. Then cut the remaining chicken laps that was found on the dining table and put it in his plate as he started eating instantly.

Madam Margaret now finally joint them on the dining table for good as she placed both the water and that fruit juice that she had gotten from the kitchen on the table on their respective positions. As she now fit her self on one of the chairs on the dining table.

Robert's father was the first person to have finished eating. Once done, he was not yet satisfied with the food he had eaten before. He still wanted more. So, with the feeling of still wanting to eat more food, he now decided to dish another food for him self on the dining table. As this time, he decided to take but some boiled rice and the ground meat sauce. Then cut another part of the chicken and put it in his plate.

While doing that, he was thinking that his mother Madam Margaret will say anything. But in the contrary, he did not say any thing to him but instead sat quiet and continued eating her food peacefully. This was because she could understand what her son and her grand son had been going through all these long period of time that they had been far away from him.

How ever, all she wanted was for them to eat to the fullest.

Once they were all done eating the food that she had prepared, she now carried the rest to the kitchen as her son helped her to transport some of the things to the kitchen because they were kind of many for her to carry alone at once. How ever, once every thing was transported, she now told Robert to go to the living room and sit there for some time while waiting for her and his father to finish what they are doing in the kitchen and then come back to the living room for him.

While being in the kitchen, both Madam Margaret and her son were washing the dishes as they both were discussing as well. Their discussion was all about Robert. Any way, Madam Margaret gave her son so many advice as well as she told him to come live with her if he does not have where to live and if things are not going on well in his life.

" My son, you can come over and start living with me if things seemed not to be going on well. Ok ?? Madam Margaret said with a very genuine heart and mind to get son as she really wants the best for her son. As well as she did not want her son to suffer for any reason.

She wanted that if her son should suffer at least let her be there to fight for him. As she really wanted that her son should actually come and start living with her any time he decides to.

" No mother, I could have loved to come and start living with you. But in this case I have no choice because I need to look for money to take care of you and Robert. You know, he is still very small and I do not want him to go through the same suffering that I have gone through it even worse. That is the main reason why I am fighting so hard for both of you especially him considering the fact that he is still very small. " Robert's father says with a very pure and sincere voice trying to convince his mother and make her understand with him why he did not want to come and start living with her in her house.

At least, his mother Madam Margaret after hearing this could understand perfectly what her son was saying as she agreed perfectly with him. At least, all she wanted was the best for her son and just the best.

" Son, remember this. I do not want any thing to happen to you. You take care if your self for me and most especially for Robert as well. He means a lot. " Madam Margaret said with a very calm voice looking at her son as she did not want that Robert while being in the living room should happen to listen to any of the conversation that they both were having in the kitchen.

Robert was still very little and needed to live a very good and pleasant life. And it was their duty to make him live a life that he will always enjoy all his life.