Chapter 17

Officer Robert after all those thoughts had run through his mind, now decided to follow his friends in to the new restaurant that they had all took him to.

" Ok man , let us all go . " said one of Officer Robert's friends with a very broad and enchanting smile on his face. As his voice was sounding so need just like every other young boy's voice had to be.

He was just a typical example. As he was the only one amongst the friends that she was walking with he was actually really concerned with what was to his friend officer Robert. As he was trying so hard in order to bring him back to him self.

As Robert finally decided to get up from his seat he was sitting in the car so that they all could now Continue with their journey to the restaurant.

On their way entering the restaurant, Robert changed back his mood and put on a very serious countenance as usual. As usual, he was putting on a serious country because he wanted that people should be afraid of him as usual.

Once one the restaurant with his friends, every one in there recognized him. As they all started to be so afraid and so tense due to the fact that Officer Robert was in that Restaurant.

Just the presence of officer Robert was a very bad thing in that Restaurant because people could no longer feel comfortable.

The atmosphere was no longer conducive and comfortable to stay in. As Officer Robert's present had already polluted the whole environment.

Every one was just so quiet that they were not saying any thing. They were all sitting quietly in the Restaurant as Officer Robert and his friends walked past all of them and looked for an empty place for them to sit peacefully. While waiting for the server to come and ask for their commands.

As they were all sitting down in their respective positions, the server came to their table and met them. Her aim there was to get their commands.

" Sir, please what can I offer you ? " the young lady asked Officer Robert and his friends so politely as she was waiting and expecting to hear their various commands as well as to take their respective orders.

Her voice was so soft and cold as she wanted to make sure that she was treating her clients perfectly.

Once she had gotten all their commands, she decided to leave. Officer Robert noticed that there was some one that was constantly looking at him from the other side when the server was going back.

Immediately as he noticed it, he looked at him discreetly to see if he knew him from any where and to know as well why he was looking at him.

With the kind of anger that he has already and coupled with the fact that he was just embarrassed a few moments back by some one who he does not even know, he immediately rushed towards the direction of the man that was looking at him.

Immediately as the man had noticed that Officer Robert was approaching him, he now just knew that there was a fire on the mountain and that some thing very bad was about to happen.

As he became so scared and was trembling from head to toes. When he noticed that Officer Robert was almost arriving where he was sitting, his heart melted to the ground level as he was no longer himself. He had just known immediately that there was some thing bad that was about to happen.

Finally, officer Robert had arrived at the place where he was sitting.

" Why are you looking at me ? " officer Robert asked with a very loud tune as every one that was present in that Restaurant at that particular time could hear officer Robert talk. The rate at which the sound of his voice was was so high could tell how angry he was.

The anger he had could not be explained at all. The anger that he had accumulated for the young man from the cafe, there was the need for him to pour it all on some one.

And he had just seen the perfect person to poor all the anger he had on him.

" Excuse me...... Are you talking to me ? " the man asked with a very low voice as he was trying to pretend and act as if he did not know what officer Robert was talking about at that particular moment.

But how ever, following the kind of way that Officer Robert is, he dies not to buy such ideas. He always does not care about what you have to say. All he thinks and care about is how to just hurt people not only physically but psychologically.

How ever, there was the need for him to do what he thought was necessary to do to the man as well as to pour out his anger on him.

" Are you joking with me or some thing? " Officer Robert asked with a very loud voice as he was just so annoyed with every thing that was happening to him that day. Because with every thing that was happening to him on that day, it was like that day was a cursed day in his life because everything was not going on well with him.

" Before the other guy, and now this one ? " Officer Robert ask himself with a very cruel look void of any happiness in it. He was ready to do any thing bad at that particular time regardless of the people that were found there or of those who were found there.

As usual, he cared less about those who were found around him. When he wanted to do some thing and he had already made up his mind on doing it, he did not care about the people that were all found beside him nor the kind of effects that follow his actions.

All he wanted was to carry out the action and be happy with him self for carrying out that action successful.

As the man was trying to explain some sort of things that did not concern him, Officer Robert got angrier as he asked him to sit quietly.

" Shhhh... Shut up. " Officer Robert said with a lot of anger in him as he was so tired of hearing the noise that was coming out from his mouth.

The man did not just want to stop talking. As he was speaking endlessly with out even having a break. That was due to the fear that he had because Officer Robert was standing directly in front of him.

As the man was just so scared about what officer Robert could do to him if he did not yet behave.

One more thing about officer Robert is that he does not get up from his sit for nothing. Worse still if he gets up and walks towards you. That was just not a good one. It could be just so catastrophic as blood must flow before he calms down and goes back to his normal state of mind.

How ever, it was not a good thing as Officer Robert had already made up his mind and blood must flow. Whether rain comes or sun shine. That was a no more, no less.

" I said you should shut the f**k up. " officer Robert shouted with so much anger as he was already so tired of the noise that the man was making out of the fear he had for him.

As the man continued to talk endlessly before he could realize, his skull was already on the floor. As Officer Robert pull out his gun and shout at him on the head.

Mr Robert pulling out his gun with the speed of light and in just in the space of one second, he finally succeeded to kill the man as he pulled the trigger on his head and then ' boom ' the man's skull was now seeking refuge on the floor.

It was just disgusting to see as he had finally ended some one's life just like that. How ever it felt good for him as killing and hurting people made him very happy rather than making him very sad.

Ever since his father had died, Officer Robert had become some thing else as he does his things to people with out mercy.

To him, he felt that, since he had loosed his loved ones since from small, that he loved them so much and they were the only people he had on earth, every other person too must suffer and lose their loved ones. Even when it be the case that they had not done any thing to him.

He always just killed and hurt people just for doing sake. He was not doing that because he was not only doing that on his own. He was doing that because he had already made up his mind like that as well as he was just so annoyed with every thing that had happened to him in his past.

All the time, he kept on allowing his past to fight his present. And that was bad for him because it was not a good thing for him to be allowing.

Because of him doing that and remembering constantly what had happened to his loved ones during his child hood, it will not be easy for him to let go of all those bad memories bit there was a total need for him to do that.

How ever, It was a matter of Choice because, it was not only penalizing him as well as making him look like a bad person in society in front of other people, but it also penalizes other people who happen to be beside him.

That was just the gospel truth and was supposed to be taken the way it was being presented in front of them. However, Officer Robert where he was did not have plans and will never have plans in order to ever change his attitude.

He has never changed his attitude for his wife not to talk about his children. It will never be for any one else that he will ever decide to stop his evil ways a d change the way he was behaving.

As the man was lying down flat on the floor, the people in the restaurant were so afraid that they could not even talk any more.

Officer Robert had pulled on the trigger and killed the man, no one heard any thing from him. The sound of the gun was not heard by any one. How ever, it has never happened before that some were was been shot and killed with a gun with out the sound of the gun being heard by any one in a very public place where people were so many.

Seeing this shocking thing, every one gasped as they were all sitting quietly and no one wanted to be the next to be killed. So they all sad very quiet as they were all shouting in their hearts. Praying to God so that he can make Officer Robert finally leave that place.

This was because his presence there was a complete treat to them all their lives in that Restaurant.

If he could kill some on just for looking at him in a restaurant. Then it was not a very good idea to stay close to him nor to be beside him. Not to talk about the fact that he was very able to kill some one with out any one getting to hear the sound of the gun.

No one could hear the sound of the gun when he pulled the trigger on the man but all they could all see was a dead body sleeping down straight with all the skull out side. That was very creepy and scary of him. As so many people were scared of him even more than before already.