Chapter 25

Officer Robert while trembling and thinking about the fact that if his wife might discover what he had just done, she will be so mad at him to the point that she might even go up to the extent of reporting his act of committing suicide in their own house.

" Go back to sleep honey. "

Officer Robert said with a very calm voice as he did not want that his wife should take note of what had happened. He was being a very cunning man who was nothing but a jerk.

Even though officer Robert had already started trying to make sure that his wife had to remove the thoughts of her suspecting every single thing about her husband that morning, he could say at least that he tried to a fault.

That was because, to a certain point, he succeeded in convincing his wife and to another point, he did not succeed because the thoughts of suspicions were still in his wife's mind. Still very fresh like she has seen every thing that had happened.