Chapter 31

Alia seeing all that was happening with all the shock she was having in her she now shouted from the top of her voice as she could no longer hold all that was happening at that particular point in time.

" Gosh ! "

Alia Shouted with a very loud voice as she was being so frustrated , confused as so hurt as we due to all what has been happening at that particular point in time. There was the need for her to be so shocked because the only person that she was having in this life was being taken away from her by a particular point in time by officer Robert.

Instantly, with the rate at which she had shouted from the top of her voice, her voice was being heard instantly by officer Robert and his people. That was a very bad thing that officer Robert had ever done and will end up being the worse thing that he has ever done because , he had killed so many people to the point of killing the famous old Mr Peterson who was being loved by every one in that town.