Chapter 13 WHAT SHOULD I DO?

It seemed like my whole damn life revolved around me and my past schedule.

I tried to relax, but my entire body was tensed, and I was irritated too.

And maybe there was some hurt in there somewhere, too.

The woman I d thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with had just walked out on me because I had a tragic story and quite honestly, my happy days were over. But I hadn t even contemplated any of those things since I d just been trying to get through another day staring at the four walls that were beginning to make me feel closed in. But Eliza s comments were beginning to make me think about my future, and it didn t look quite as good as it had before, we met for the first time.

Nothing will ever be the same. I might walk again, but my day-to-day life was going to be different.