She placed the watch in my hand and did something!! Looked like a witchy- spell type. I didn't know these witchy things. But she did speak something with her eyes closed.
"The watch was created by my ancestors and it possesses witch powers. Once a vampire comes near you, its hand will automatically point upwards & then you can touch your bracelet over his/her body and it will burn that part of their body. I had put some percent powers of mine too, hence whenever any vampire touch this bracelet, he she will resist you or they'll get burn and then you can have ample time to escape from them."
"Wow! Really?" I was happy that she cared for me like that.
"Take this, and keep it with you always."
I wore that watch in my left hand and wore a bracelet in the other. She again did a spell while holding both my hands.
She said something like "Acendiaa.. dometoes...uhh, I didn't recall now.