"What? Why is he connected with the Vampire Hunters?"
I ask him but until then, he didn't say anything nor answer my question. He kept silent throughout the time until the guard's left the abandoned building.
"Let's go," I'm shocked when I hear his voice near my ears as his minty breath fans the side of my neck.
A shiver runs down my veins. I quickly take a step sideways and clear my throat.
"Where are we going to this time? Aren't we going to save the kids?" I ask while my gaze is in front of us.
Why does he need to be this near?
I hear his chuckle and I try my best not to look at him. I did and I'm glad that I managed to stop myself. I'm being unreasonable today. I think I need to find my rational sense right now. I might turn crazy over the time that this will continue and it's going to be bad. Real bad.