I bit my lower lip to stop myself from creating any noise to satisfy the two evils in disguise.
From the looks of it, they don't have a single soul in their body. Heartless is not the word but dead. They're already burning in hell and I have a feeling that they will not leave me alone as long as I'm still alive.
How I wish, I'll just disappear in an instant just like my friends.
It's so unfair that they are already in the peaceful place where I stay alive as I start to burn with the fire that they've left me. But then, I never wish them to die cruelly just like what I've seen. I still believe they deserve to leave the Earth decently because I believe so.
If there's someone who deserves that, that's me. All my actions and unreasonable reasons and decisions I've made in the past until now, I deserve it but fate isn't on my side.