Chapter 15 Flipped (c)

"Now, please answer the question: why bring up this matter?" I repeated.

She played with her hands for a brief moment then took a deep breath before continuing, "I brought my friend here. She's waiting downstairs at the stables."

"What?!" my hands gripped onto the armrest as I leaned forward, removing my legs from their previous position.

"You said I can introduce you after your trip--"

"That doesn't mean that you can just decide on your own," I started walking towards her, scolding her as if she was a child. She's completely acting like one right now. "What made you think that you can simply make such a decision without asking me first?" my hands on my waist as I stood in front of her.

"I didn't get the chance to ask you because I was immediately sent to the Mortal Realm to find some kind of herb--"

"Mortal Realm?" I interrupted. "Are you telling me that you brought a mortal being here?!"

"I told you she was from--"