Chapter 32 Unsettled (b)

"I understand that what she did was unacceptable but you should still treat her with respect as a relative," he replied.

"I would like to make one thing clear between the two of us, James: I respect everyone that crosses my path," I moved closer to him, "But when someone gives me a reason not to, then I m sorry. That person won t have any kind of respect from me. The same goes with Elizabeth."

"Robert, please," he said, calmly stopping me from walking away.

I groaned.

I m trying my best to have a calm conversation with you, both as a king and as a father," he continued. "Let us not treat each other with hostility just because of what your aunt did."

"James, you re making me act this way," I replied. "And please, I don t want to talk about anything right now. I just want to be alone in silence."

James let out a sigh as he nodded. "I understand. I will see you at dinner." He lightly tapped me on my arm and walked away, not saying another word.