Chapter 34 Overwhelmed (b)

"Your presence is anything but intimidating. It s disturbing, annoying would be the proper term," I replied, not being affected by her taunts. "Nobody in this room is intimidated by you."

"Oh, please, Robert, stop with the act," Mallory scoffed. "We both know that once Laura leaves you alone, you can easily hurt anybody."

"Mallory," a soft voice came from the kitchen entrance. We turned our heads to see Nana Olsa, trying to stand firmly as her crooked staff assisted her weight. "I believe that exchange of words is enough for today," she began to approach us.

"Nana, this doesn t concern you. It s better that you return inside. You don t even know what we re talking about," Mallory snarled at Nana.

"Can t you show Nana some respect?" I scolded Mallory. "Don t vent all of your frustrations on her. She s not involved in this."

"Why defend her? She s not your family?" she answered. "Who are you to tell me how to treat her?"