Four days later, I have finally arrived at my destination. I've checked in, in a luxury hotel and rent a private car. I can't believe I'm going to see Ashley again!
Oh just wait and see I will definitely lecture her! I can't believe she managed to not contact me for this long!
Parking my private car in front of a humble modern house, I turn off the car engine before unlocking the car door.
" This house is a bit more ordinary than I thought. How did she manage to live here for six years?" I mumble to myself before securing the box of macarons that I've brought. Ashley has always enjoyed macaroons, so this is a way of... I suppose like a peace offering? After that, I close the car door and secure it.
Walking towards the front door, I tidy my flowing hair before taking a deep breath.
This is it! I'm going to face her again. Is there anything else I should prepare for?
Taking another deep breath, I lift my slightly shaking finger and carefully press the doorbell.
The doorbell rang merrily as my heart began pounding. For the whole six years... we had no communication for six years! My heart began pounding, even more, I feel like this is going to be slightly awkward?
I heard a light tapping of slippers before the doorknob jiggles.
I watch as the doorknob turns before the door was pulled open, revealing a... kid?
Did I get the incorrect address or something?
The young girl stares wonderingly at me with her adorable eyes, while tilting her head in mild curiosity.
"Hello?" I can't believe she got an adorable voice too!
Composing myself, as I try not to gently pinch those round chubby cheeks. I clear my throat before a smile forms on my lips.
"Hello, little girl? Can I ask if someone named Ashley Seto, is living here?" I ask gently to the lovely child.
I watch as she turns to glance inside the house before looking back at me.
"Why are you looking for my Mommy?" she answered as she hides slightly behind the door.
I blink my eyes in confusion.
Just hold on... I think I heard something wrong here.
"I'm sorry, but did you just say, Mommy?" I repeated as calmly as I can.
But before the child can answer I suddenly overheard a familiar voice.
"Aiko~! What are you doing there?" a woman said as I heard her steps coming closer to the door.
The door opens widely, as the lovely child went to hug the woman's leg, mumbling a quiet Mommy.
"Hello-- Y-Yuki?" the moment our eyes met, Ashley's gentle eyes widen in genuine surprise.
No way! Highway! How?! I mean-- no I don't want to know how she made one! But...
Glancing back to the adorable kid that is still hugging her, that's the only time I instantly notice a slight resemblance to her.
I gently close my eyes before I took a deep breath. Come on, Yuki! Breath in and breath out! Maybe I'm just imagining things and Ashley is the only one in front of me. However, when I open my eyes again, the adorable kid is still staring at me, so I look back to meet Ashley in the gentle eyes...
"Mommy?! Mommy?!" I let out a scream that made Ashley flinch.
"Y-Yuki calm down..." Ashley tried to carefully touch me but I took a step back.
"What the actual Fudge!! How can I calm down when I just found out about this?! You disappear for six years!! Six freaking years!! I--!!" I cut myself off when I saw the kid flinches and went to carefully hide behind her.
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I let out a sigh.
"I can explain... Come inside and let me properly explain Yuki." Ashley said as she places her hand above my shoulders.
I flinch at the sudden contact, usually, I don't even mind how clingy we can get to one another but...
"Fine! You better prepare a detailed explanation for this!" I stated before I shrug her gentle hand off of me.
I can see the hurt expression on her familiar face when I did that, but I couldn't care less right now.
She freaking cut me off for six whole years! And not even trying to give me a possible clue about her whereabouts, instead, she asks our doting grandmother to prevent me from leaving! I had to work hard just to get my passport back! I had to follow everything they ask me to do just, so I can leave my house without any of their bodyguards. I did everything I could and even sacrificing my lifelong dreams just so I can find her!
I grit my teeth as I follow them inside her house, with the box of macaroons in my hand.
We are currently sitting down on her plush sofa, with her sitting comfortably on the opposite couch in front of me, her lovely kid beside her.
I placed the box of macaroons above the coffee table. Her eyes widen in surprise when she did this.
" Macaroons? I can prepare some tea if you like?" Ashley announced as she stands up from her seat.
"...yeah sure." I do miss the fragrant tea she prepares, she can brew the most delicious tea I have ever tasted.
While waiting for her to come back, the little girl slowly sits down beside me, while her glittering eyes never left the box.
I bit my lower lip trying not to let out a squeal. How can she give birth to such an adorable child?!
I gently lift up my hand as I lift the cover of the box, revealing the macaroons inside.
"You can choose any flavor you want," I spoke after clearing my throat.
"Really?" her cute voice asks as she stares at me with a puppy look in her glittering eyes.
OOF! My gosh! How can she be so cute? I want to gently pinch her plump cheeks!!
"YE-- I mean, ahem! Yes, you can pick any flavor you want." I smilingly replied to her while gently patting my heart.
I watch as her eyes sparkle in genuine delight as she turns to face the macaroons before she carefully picks up the pink one.
She took a bite before she turns to give me a beaming smile.
Oh no! My heart has been struck by her cuteness!!
I gave her a gentle smile in return as I can instantly feel my cheeks turning red. Gosh! I'm so weak when it comes to adorable things.
"Is it good?"
"Mhm! I like it!" she answers as she giggles before taking another delicious bite.
But... This is a surprise. Ashley never likes the taste of the rose-flavored macaroons. I always buy them partly because I enjoy the flavor and also to tease her.
Her favorite flavor is matcha and hazelnut.
"I'm sorry for the wait!" I heard her footsteps come closer as I fix my posture.
She carefully places three teacups of hot matcha tea and milk beside the box. She was about to carefully pour milk on the smaller teacup when she saw her lovely child eagerly eating the rose-flavored macaroon.
"Oh? Aiko, do you like that flavor?" she asks as I can see her glancing at me.
"Yes, mommy! I like this!" she answers as she bobs her adorable head.
Aiko? Her name is Aiko? I don't think that name is one of the listed preferred names Ashley has written. We made a list of names before way back in high school. She said she was going to choose from the list to name her future kid.
"I see." Ashley simply answers before she gave her a small smile. She clearly does not like the idea of buying that flavor for her lovely child.
After carefully pouring milk for the two teacups, she gave the smaller one to Aiko and gave the other one to me. I raise my eyebrow to her, "Are you not going to pour milk to yours, too?" I ask.
"No, I learn to enjoy the slight bitterness of the Matcha," she answers with a gentle smile before taking a sip of her tea.
"What, since when?"
"Hmm... I think since coming here?" she replied unsurely.
I roll my eyes at her answer, right... she learns a lot of things without her best friend.
"Yuki... I'm really sorry for leaving you like that," she spoke after a while.
"Do you think sorry will just fix everything? It's been six years Ash."
"I know... but let me apologize first. I'm sorry for cutting off our communications just like that and for hiding. I just... don't want to drag you into a complicated situation before."
"Complicated?! Do you think I would care if it's complicated or not?! You ARE my best friend! Of course, I would continue to naturally support you no matter what! " I angrily declared before muttering a small apology to Aiko who jumped in mild surprise from my loud voice.
"Aiko... sweetie, can you go upstairs? You can watch some cartoons on mommy's laptop."Ashley said softly to Aiko who nods her head.
We watch as Aiko drink her tea and grab two macarons out of the box before running upstairs.
"I know... I should have contacted you sooner, and I did! But... granny told me how busy you are and how many excellent opportunities you are--".
I cut off her little speech as I slam my hand above the decorated table.
"That's BS! So what if I'm busy? So what if I have many excellent opportunities! If my best friend naturally needs me then I will instantly drop everything to support her! Because that's, what friendship is! And aren't we already like sisters?! We've been together since we were young Ash! And you care about those little things!! Are you freaking serious?!" I can't help but let out the emotions I've been building inside of me.
Tears are forming in the corner of Ash's eyes, but I don't care.
"Excellent opportunities are not little things, Yuki! I know how much you sincerely wanted your lifelong dreams to come true--".
"They are little things compared to you! And Dreams?! Ha! I've sacrificed my dreams just, so I can find you!"
"No! Granny said--".
"Stop saying granny said this and that! I'm over here! Why can't you believe what I'm saying?!"
"..." Ash gently lowers her head as her shoulder shakes.
"What happened to you, Ash?! Why are you suddenly like this?! Where is that stubborn Ashley that I know? DO you really think so little of the years we've been by each other's side, that cast me away for six years?! Ash... I've been your best friend, your sister, and heck! Even your mother at times! Why didn't you believe in me to support you?!"- tears are now also falling from my eyes as Ash begins to sob.
"I'm sorry... I-- I'm sorry Yuki..."- She hiccups between her sobs.
"Why are you the one crying?! I should be the --one too! "- I plop down the plush couch as I cover my tear-stained face.
My make-up is going to be ruined because of this.