Chapter 7 Coming Home

Hold on a minute! I'm not that old yet!

"I am not that old to be called Auntie! Just call me big sis, lovely baby." I gently told to Aiko.

Ash only chuckles before gently shaking her head, while Aiko giggles before hugging me.

"Auntie!" she spoke in a jolly tone as I hug her back.

I feel like I'm going to cry... something warm is gently spreading in my heart.

"Oh, fine! Call me Auntie." I told her before tenderly kissing her plump cheeks.


Ashley's POV

It's been few pleasant days since Yuki found out about the reason I intentionally left everyone behind. Of course, I know it wasn't enough... I should have reached out to them. But I didn't...

Right now, we are currently at the local park as both Yuki and Aiko are carefully running around trying to catch each other. Aiko has grown attached to Yuki as Yuki to her. They haven't stopped talking enthusiastically about the most random things and even about Hello Kitty. Yes, both of them like Hello Kitty that they even watched the cartoon together.

Yuki has also been buying Aiko, Hello Kitty stuff toys, and lovely clothes whenever we go shopping at the local mall. She didn't spare any expenses and has been spoiling her a day after the whole crying session we had. Right now our house is full of Hello Kitty stuffs that you can't see any more of the other stuff toys I've brought for her.

"Mommy! Come play with us!" I snap out of my thoughts when I heard my precious baby's cute voice call out to me.

I glance to where they are, they are currently sitting in the middle of the grassy field with Aiko's plush toys typically surrounding them. Yes, she brought her toys, so they can play here at the park. Luckily enough, there aren't many local visitors here. It's just us three and the other family that is having a picnic on the other side of the local park.

"Alright, coming!"- standing up from the bench I was sitting on, I grab the picnic basket that I have brought. I remember Ashley's shocked face the moment she witnessed me cooking dinner that day. She knows that we had maids back in the Philippines, so I didn't have to learn about cooking. But since we don't have any maids here, Alecia has patiently taught me how to properly cook.

"I still can't believe you didn't burn the house whenever you cook us food," Yuki stated as she eyes the picnic basket.

"Pfft! That's because I've learned how to cook properly. Why? Do you want me to teach you?" I tease her as I sit down beside Aiko.

"No, thank you! I don't want to burn your kitchen," she replied as she carefully opens the handwoven basket.

"Come here baby, let mommy wipe your sweat."

Yuki rolled her earnest eyes at us. She grabs a classic sandwich before willingly giving it to Aiko, while I changed Aiko's towel.

"I still can't believe you've grown so matured, Ash." I heard Yuki whispers to herself before grabbing another classic sandwich.

I raise my eyebrow at this before a warm smile forms on my lips. The Yuki I know will not hesitate to eat first without caring about anyone else. But when Yuki met Aiko, she always put her first before herself. I'm so proud of my best friend!

"What are you looking at?" she shyly asks as her cheeks turn red.

"Oh, nothing~".


"Yuki!! Yuki! What in the world are these?!" I yell as I try finding Yuki around the house while holding the package I received.

"Why are you yelling?!" I heard Yuki's familiar voice in the back garden, as I instantly rush towards her.

My heart thumping wildly at my ribcage as I continue clutching the package.

"Yuki!!" I stop in my tracks when I saw Aiko with her, gently holding a flower crown.

I force myself to calm down when Aiko stops what she is doing as she gave me a cute smile.

"Yuki, can we talk inside?" I calmly said before motioning for her to follow me.

"What is it?" she asks when we enter the kitchen.

I gave her the open package as I gently lean on the counter.

"Can you explain why we have plane tickets going back to the Phil?" I said as I tap my foot while waiting for her to read the contents of the package.

"What? Why are you so surprised about this? I have already explained this to you?" She asks confuse before carefully putting down the official documents above the counter.

What is she talking about? I never recall her telling me that she will process our official documents so we can go home?

" What do you mean by that?

"I told you before that I only managed to get a month's vacation from my work right? And I ask if you want to go back home with me and you said yes. So I ask my secretary to properly process everything and here it is!" she carefully explained while gently patting the official documents.

Oh my gosh... I don't remember her telling me those things.

" Is it bad that I don't remember you telling me those... stuff?" I replied hesitantly.

"...are you serious?" she raises an eyebrow at me, before giving me a dumbfounded look.

"I really don't remember," I answer honestly.

To be honest, I don't really remember much of what happened this past two weeks. I don't know what's wrong with me. There are also times when I would get hit by a dizzy spell randomly or waking up with a mild headache.

"Nevermind that... In case you also don't remember, our private flight is three days from now." my eyes widen in genuine surprise after hearing her saying those words.

Three days from now?! We have barely enough time to buy goodies as a peace offering for my dear parents!

"Yuki! Why did you not tell me this sooner?! What about the stuff we need to buy or the things we need to?" I said in a mild panic as I walk back and forth in front of her.

She rolled her eyes at me before gently putting her hands on my shoulder stopping me from walking in circles.

"Calm down! I have already finished everything. All you need to do is make sure you have the important things pack and secure. And besides, we are riding the private plane your dear dad sent!"

"What?! When?!"

"Oh my gosh! ASH! He sent a message last week!"

Wait... why don't I remember those events from happening?!

"Ash, are you okay? Do you want to go to a doctor today?" I heard Yuki's worried voice stated as she gently touches my forehead.

I gently shake my head no before grabbing my reusable water bottle sitting above the counter and drink some water.

"No... it's fine. I'm probably just... overwhelmed? I mean, come on I'm going to see my dear parents again. After six years of me leaving them without even talking or sending them a message... I'm going to show up in their front door just like that!" I sigh as I lean on the counter, staring thoughtfully at my tired reflection on the polished marble.

I felt Yuki's gentle hand gently taps me on my shoulder before hugging my side.

"It's going to be fine. I'm sure the first thing they will do once they see you is to hug tight that you will be having a hard time breathing. And you don't have to worry about them not liking Aiko, cause I know they will love her as much as we love her."- hearing her say those words made me feel relaxed.

Yes, she's right. I'm sure mom and dear dad will definitely love Aiko. I mean who would not. She's such a bright and adorable child. I'm sure her dad will instantly regret leaving them if he ever found out about her existence.


Aiko is very excited to finally meet her grandparents. To anyone asking, where are Alecia's parents? Well... Alecia told us she was separated from her family when she was young. She only remembers being sent to a local orphanage where she was naturally adopted by an elderly couple who instantly became her family. But sadly, after graduating high school, they passed away... only leaving behind their fortune for her. And now she left those fortune for Aiko's future.

We just arrived at the private airport a few minutes ago, we are currently resting and eating at a local restaurant near the airport.

"Mommy, why is it so hot here?" Aiko asks as I gently wipe her sweat.

"That's because the Philippines is a tropical country. It's only natural to be pretty hot here, compared to our home back in San Francisco." I properly explained to Aiko as I watch her drink her orange juice.

"Don't worry Aiko. You will get used to it soon. Here this is for you." Yuki said as she carefully places a plate of spaghetti in front of Aiko.

We are currently at Jollibee. Yuki is the one who ordered our food. She ordered three plates of spaghetti, fries, two ice teas for us, and orange juice for Aiko. And of course, three chocolate sundaes.

I have already talked to my parents earlier after landing, it was a simple call. We did not have enough time to talk about anything other than, that they will meet us back home and that they are still on a business meeting.

I wonder what kind of changes they did back to our modern house during these last six years? My dear parents passionately love redecorating our modern house every now and then. So I would not be surprised if our home is not what I used to remember. I just hope they did not touch my room.