"Yumi? Are you okay?" I heard my dad's familiar voice as I carefully close my eyes before taking a deep breath.
Inhale and exhale... inhale and exhale...
Opening my eyes, I stand up and fix my disheveled hair before walking carefully towards my shut door.
Clearing my throat, I push open my door revealing my dad looking worriedly at me.
"Sorry, I was taking a nap... Is something wrong, dad?" I answer as he gently touches my forehead.
"You look pale... are you sure you're alright?" he asks, I can see the worry in his kind eyes.
I sigh before giving him a weary smile," I'm fine dad, I was just a bit tired that's all. Anyway, is something wrong?".
"Take some vitamins later, okay? And I have something to talk to you about. Come swing by my office later after your mom and Aiko arrived." He suggested before stroking me in my head.
Dad may not be very vocal and showy about his affection, but there are times that he can be like this.
"Sure I will come by later, dad. And why don't we go enjoy a picnic soon? I'm certain you want to learn more about Aiko, right?" I responded positively with a pleasant smile on my lips before hugging him.
"Sure, I would love that." I heard him answer, as he hugs me back.
After our brief talk, dad left the moment his phone vibrates. I think his private secretary is calling him about his appointments. Ever since we came back home, Mom and Dad have rescheduled all their official appointments to spend more time with me and especially Aiko.
It was odd at first, seeing them become so close to her that easily. I don't know how to properly explain it but... the way their eyes shine whenever they saw Aiko weirded me out a bit. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely love seeing them put effort into getting close to Aiko. It's just... sometimes I felt like, they aren't seeing Aiko but someone else.
Maybe I'm just being weird about all of this. I don't know...
I'm currently making my way to dad's office, Mom and Aiko have arrived just a few minutes ago. Aiko is eating nutritious snacks in the lush garden with Rachel and the others, while Mom already went to see Dad.
I don't know what's this sudden meeting we are having about, but I have been feeling restless since earlier.
Maybe they just want to talk about a job that will be suitable for me... or something? I mean, I can choose to work directly under my mom, either as her model or one of her designers?
Since I have done some modeling before when I was a kid, I can probably do that again? I can't even draw a flower properly so being a designer is just...
Or I can work diligently in our company? Since I already have some experience before? But that means I would have to spend less time with Aiko.
Should I just go back to being a freelancer?
I take a deep breath before I knock gently on the wooden door of Dad's home office.
"Come in."
After hearing his answer, I gradually turn the doorknob before carefully pushing the door open.
"It's me," I spoke as I enter the familiar room, carefully closing the door behind me.
"Hi, sweetie! Come sit down beside me." mom answered as she pats the plush seat next to her.
I sat down beside her as she gently kisses my cheeks, while dad just shakes his head.
O-kay? Why is she being so sweet like this? Did I miss something?
"Why are you being like this mom?" I can't help but asks when she stares at me with her misty eyes.
She just shakes her head before gently pulling me into a tight hug, as I glance at my dear dad who is just staring at the pen in his hand.
"Okay? Tell me what's going on! What is this?" I ask as I wriggle out of her hug before standing up while staring at my dear father.
"Well... we have something to tell you. Actually, we should have properly told you about this six years ago, but you know... things happened." my dear mother explains.
"And? What is it?" I ask as I raise my left eyebrow.
"You will be meeting your fiance, tomorrow night." my dear father is the one who answers.
I stare blankly at him, before blinking slowly. Hold on... I think I overheard something bizarre.
"I'm sorry, but what??"
"Oh, honey... I know this is sudden, but this has been already fixed for years. You're supposed to have your engagement party five years ago. But don't worry, everything has been already settled. You don't even have to worry about Aiko, your father and I can adopt her to be her parents--." I cut my dear mom the moment I heard her say those words.
Adopt Aiko?! My BABY?! There is no way I would willingly allow that!!
"I'm sorry, but I can't let you adopt her. I may not be her real mother, but Aiko is MY baby. And I don't really care even if you conveniently arranged me to whoever you wanted but I can't let you take Aiko away from me!" I raise my voice at them before I even realize it.
Their eyes widened in shock as this is the first time I've raised my voice at them. I didn't even rebel against them even when they force me to break up with him...
"I--... I'm sorry... " I sincerely apologized as I caress my throbbing temple.
Not now brain... I still have to face this problem, and I don't need you to add it right now.
But my brain really didn't listen as it continues to throb painfully.
I flinch in surprise when I felt someone touch my shoulders, looking up I saw my mom's face staring at me worriedly... before pulling me into a warm hug.
I blackout after that... I only woke up the next day with a slightly blurry vision from the tears I didn't know I've shed.
Aiko is beside me sleeping peacefully while holding my left hand. I didn't bother gently moving or standing up to pee, so I can let her continue sleeping.
We have a spare room in our house that is being renovated to be Aiko's private room in the future. Right now, she is staying with me here in my room. My bed is queen-sized, so we don't have a problem with space whenever we go to sleep.
I look away from my baby's sleeping face as my mind wanders about what we've discussed last night.
"A Fiance... I wonder from what wealthy family did he came from?"- I quietly mutter to myself as I stare thoughtfully at my ceiling.
There is no question that he came from a wealthy family, with a successful business. Or else they would not bother arranging me with whoever he is.
Personally, I have no complaint about whoever lucky man I will be married into. Since from the very start, I know that my marriage will be arranged just like theirs. I'm not worried about it either since my dear mother and father learned to genuinely love one another after spending years together in their marriage.
The only problem I have right now is Aiko... How would she react if she found out about it? How would that man react as well? If he even showed a slight negative emotion about my baby, I would definitely slap him in his face.
Talking this suddenly reminds me about Aiko's father...
I don't know why he pops out on my thoughts but... it makes me wonder.
How would he have reacted if he has found out about her? Would he properly care for her or would he instantly throw her away?
Would he propose to Alecia and accept his new responsibility or would he bail and left her alone?
Alecia... I miss you so much. I'm sure Aiko is also missing you but she just never shows it. She... is a very special child. And just like what I've promised you... I will continue to properly protect her and raise her as my own.