A ringing in my left ear wakened me up from my dream before I felt the pounding of my head.
Oh, what a great day to start my glorious morning...
Opening my eyes slowly before I blink away my sleepiness, I carefully turn to my right to see if Aiko is still sleeping beside me.
Wait for a minute... I don't think I remember going home at all last night.
Let's see... the last thing I recall is being held by a warm body before I was lulled to sleep by his pleasant warmth.
And then after that, I think I overheard him talking to someone before I have completely fallen asleep.
Wait for a... no--! That's, not the main problem at all! Why in the world did I even fall asleep on his comforting arms at all?! And on the first night, we met?!
Am I that tired that I fall asleep just like that?!
"Mommy... are you okay?" I snap out of my thoughts as I heard a soft cute voice beside me.