"How is our daughter, doctor?" Ashley's dear mother politely asks, still wiping the tears that are still forming in her kind eyes.
Doctor Shiba gave her a gentle smile before turning to face Ashley again, "You don't have to worry about her Mrs. Seto. Ashley is going to be fine, and she just needs to rest. But of course, we still need to carefully observe her here for two more days. That is, of course, just a necessary precaution." she carefully added when she saw Ms. Seto about to protest.
"I see, thank you Doctor Shiba as always, then I assume you need to talk to her alone?" Mr. Seto said as he gently wraps his arm around her wife's shoulder trying to soothe her down.
"Yes, since Ashley was unconscious when she arrived here. I'm sure she has many questions that need to be answered. Don't worry it won't take long." Doctor Shiba said as Mr. Seto ushered everyone out of the room as well as Aiko who was carried by Yuki in her arms.