Last Exciting Fight

The match had ended with him going out of bounds. This had actually annoyed Adrian quite a bit. He was having fun fighting, and this guy went out of his way to ruin it. Adrian gave the assassin a killer stare.

The assassin was not looking at Adrian before, but he looked back at Adrian when he felt the stare on him. He could clearly feel all the anger coming from Adrian, but he didn't know what he had done wrong. He stared back at Adrian; he did not want to back down here even though he had lost this match.

Adrian didn't feel like saying anything to this guy, so he returned to his house when he was satisfied with his stare. Adrian was not angry; he was annoyed, his mood had been spoiled a lot. All he wanted was to counter the counters to his attacks; was that too much to ask?


In the spectator's stand, a long way from where Adrian was at.

A guy was looking at him. He was an older man with a long grey beard and long silky smooth grey hair. His face was filled with wrinkles. The most noticeable thing about this man was the spear on his back. It looked majestic. It was black, with beautiful silver carvings on it. The tip was so black that if you stared at it, you felt like you were going into the depths of a black hole.

"This kid is quite interesting, isn't he?" another old man was standing at the side of this old man.

"He is!" The old man came with a short answer. He was having a face that showed he was thinking of something. He was trying to make a tough decision right now.

The other old man looked at him with a shocked expression. These two words might not be anything special to others, but when this man said these words, it meant he had some interest in this kid. He also knew that this old man had never had an interest in anyone from the younger generation before.

"Are you thinking ...?"


Before he could finish the question, the old man had already answered him. The other old man's face was even more shocked than before. If the old man did what he was thinking, the future of this youth would be brighter than anyone else from the younger generation.


Back at the battle stage, Adrian had no idea that someone out there was talking about him. At the moment, he was preoccupied with being annoyed and just wanting to end this group stage. He still had eight fights to go, but he was only looking forward to one of them.

The next three of Adrian's fights went by quickly. He won all of them, which made all the spectators look at Adrian. No one had expected someone from such a low-rated house would do this good. He had been deemed a dark horse by everyone by now.

The next fight was up against the shield and sword guy from the third house. His name was, of course, Henry. He had won all of his fights, just like Adrian had. If Adrian won this, he would basically be sure to go to the finale round since the rest he has to fight are no threats to him.

"So, you are the dark horse from the Harlace family!" Henry looked at Adrian with a curious look.

Adrian gave no answer since he didn't really like this name. He had the confidence of winning from the beginning, so why was he a dark horse?

"I am sorry, though; I will be breaking your winning streak now?" Henry tried to provoke Adrian as he had done against Hugo. Too bad for him, Adrian was not that easy to provoke.

"HAHA, oh really~?" Adrian looked at him, amused. He had been annoyed with the last few matches, but he was finally against someone he could enjoy fighting.

"Let the fight begin!" As the judge saw that both participants were on the battle stage, he chose that it was time to start the fight.

As the fight began, none of them attacked. Adrian knew that if he charged in, he would lose the first encounter, which would make the rest of the fight that much more complicated.

Henry had the exact same thought; he still had the advantage now, though. Since Adrian is a spear user, he has to charge in at some point; Henry will always stand firm behind his shield. So he was just going to stand there until Adrian made his move.

Right now, Adrian was thinking of a way to take that shield away from Henry. It was the shield that was the most significant threat for Adrian. He had a few ideas to get the shield away; he just needed to make an opening. All he could do was to use the mobility he had over a shield user.

Adrian charged straight at Henry while using thrust. This made Henry grin; he had been waiting for this. In his head, the fight was already over.

Just as the spear was about to hit the shield, Adrian drew it back to him while jumping to the side. He dashed to the side of Henry, and he swung the spear. He was trying to hit the arm that was holding the shield.

Henry had not expected the feint, but he was not shocked for a long time. As soon as he saw the spear heading for his arm, he blocked it with his sword. As the sword and the spear collided, Henry was sent stumbling back five steps from the force the spear was coming with.

On the other hand, Adrian stood strong at the point of impact. He had a wide grin. What surprised Henry was that Adrian charged in straight away again. He used the same ability as last time, dash and thrust simultaneously.

Henry was ready for the faint this time, so his grip on the shield had loosened a little so that he could be prepared with the sword.

Adrian didn't faint this time, though; he hid the shield with the force of the charge.

[New unique ability learned: unnamed lvl 1]

[Please name your new skill!]

Adrian was surprised by the sudden notification. He ignored it for now, though, since he was in the middle of a fight.

The charge that just hit the shield of Henry's pushed him back another five steps and made a small hole in the shield. This surprised Henry a lot; how could he make this much force to push a shield man back with fives steps, and how did he damage his shield. This was a high-end shield, after all.

Adrian was looking at Henry with an excited expression. His attacks had more strength than he expected. He was trying to see if he could push Henry off the stage, and that plan was looking better and better.

This pissed off Henry, though; he was sure that he had this win in the bag. He now had to find a new way of winning, and it seemed he needed to go on the offensive. He was not really trained in that; he had been trained to stand strong, like the wall protecting the capital and then attacking when the opportunity arose.

Adrian didn't wait for him to make a chose as he charged into the fight. He wanted to end it as quickly as possible. As the charge landed on the damaged shield, Henry got pushed back even more.

One could see that Henry had started to panic. His face was beginning to twist; he usually had complete control over the fight. Adrian had broken his flow, which made everything harder for Henry.

Adrian now started to hammer away on Henry's shield, which just pushed Henry further a further back. In the end, they had made it to the border of the battle stage.

Henry's shield had was not looking good; henry's arm had started to bleed from the onslaught Adrian had just done.

Adrian just looked at Henry with a cruel smile, now that he was on the border. Henry felt some fear from this smile, and he didn't know what to do.

Adrian stretched out his leg and swung it towards him. As the kick landed on Henry, he was sent flying off the stage. He landed by the side of his family. They looked at him and saw that he had lost consciousness.

Adrian stopped paying attention and walked off the battle stage. Everyone looked at him like he was a monster. He had just made an attack that was too much; the onslaught caught everyone off guard.

"The winner of this fight, Is number 76, Adrian, from the Harlace family!" The judge called out while looking at Adrian with a curious look.

Adrian went down to the Harlace family, waiting for his next fight. Now, all of the exciting fights had been fought, and Adrian thought he was sure to go straight to the final rounds.