Chapter 2 Chapter 1


"Toby!" Mara screamed her sluggish husband's name. It was an early Monday morning yet that husband of hers won't get it to his skull that they had to get to work early.

" leave me alone, Mara. I'm enjoying this shower. God knows I might not have this kind of opportunity again this week so leave me alone." He whined.

"Oh come on, don't be a baby." She tried again but after waiting for a few seconds in their bedroom she knew it would take more than that to make him come out.

"If you do not come out at this moment I'll come in there and drag you by the ears out." She tried hoping it would work.

"Ears? Who drags their husband by his ears? I'll very much appreciate it if you'd drag me by know...d***?."

"Jesus! Toby! How many times have I told you not to say bad words? Will you keep saying stuff like that even when we have children? Of course I won't put it past you."

He snorted and pulled water into his lungs by the action alone. He coughed many times to get the water from his lungs. That startled Mara who ran into the bathroom fully dressed in slacks and a blue blouse with black blazers.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Should I get a cup of water?." She asked sincerely concerned about her husband's health.

"Why would I need a cup of water when I have you with me here, always." He said then pulled her to his naked body under the shower getting all her dress and hair soaked in the rain like shower. He lent down to place a kiss on her mouth when she shoved him off her and stepped out of the shower. He grunted and turned off the shower at the same time pulling the towel around his body.

"First of all, you pulled me in the shower when you are stark naked and in the process wet my clothes. What did I do to deserve you my darling husband?." She asked with sarcasm laced in her voice.

Toby's eyes sparkled with mischief as he as answered by shaking his head vigorously causing his wet hair to release more water unto his wife's already wet face.

"That's it. I'm leaving you." She said and turned to leave but Toby stopped her by hugging her back to his wet body again. She nudged him in the ribs causing him to loosen his arms with an "ow."

"Serves you right for being a bad boy." She said before leaving the room.

"You could have just said dick, honey. It's not hard to say you know d-i-c-k. It's that easy." He called after her laughing.

"I'm going to make sure never to leave my child with you when we have one. I can't tolerate two brats in my life." She shot back.

"We're having a twin babe, one boy that'll always be with you and a girl with me, don't worry yourself too much I won't let her know d*** but she might know pussy."

"Toby you're never going to teach my daughter that...that rubbish. Why will you teach your daughter pu.. Arrg...that..that dirty word. I'm not gonna say it but I won't let you corrupt the whole family with the stupid curse words and those ones too." She said totally avoiding saying the words she insisted were bad for someone as important and respected as Toby to say.

"Calm down Mrs Collins, pussy is cat too you know. But don't you think we should stop using condom? I think it's time to start having little ones, what do you say baby-bugga-boo?."

"Do not say that word Toby." She corrected, but her pale cheeks was already turning tomato at the word.

"What? I shouldn't say little ones too? OK then what should I call them? Little brats?." He asked even though he knew what exactly she was talking about but he just liked seeing her squirm. It turned him on but unfortunately she wasn't in front of him or they'd have ended up on the bed.

"No no no not that I meant the-the 'c' word". He could imagine how she was shifting on her feet by just saying that. He silently wondered how he got so lucky to get someone as pure she is.

" OK, you mean condom?." He said, deciding to let her off easily.

"Yeah, that one."

They were both silent for a while before she called out to him.

"I have to go now, Toby. Your coffee is on the counter hurry so it won't get cold". She said moving to get her purse from the couch in the living room and moving to open the front door.

" wait, wait for me plueese I'm almost done. I'm wearing my underwear already ." he whined.

"Seriously? Underwear?." She paused for a second before finally stepping out into the hot summer air of California and shutting the door close.

"do not take the Hyundai Tucson, Mara." He yelled after her even though he knew that was the exact one she was going to take.

Ten minutes after Mara had gone, Toby went into the kitchen and picked the coffee off the counter.

"Shit, it's cold." He said with disgust and put the cup in the sink then walked out of the kitchen. He spotted a picture of Maya hung on the wall opposite the entrance of the kitchen and smiled to himself. He racked his brain for a pretend punishment to give her for leaving him and going to the office all by herself and found one.

He planned to introduce doggy style to her, right inside his office on his desk. He knew it would take of persuading and pouting but he was ready for it.

He entered the garage to find the Hyundai Tucson gone. He chuckled to himself and went towards the Toyota Highlander.

Again promising his self that he'd make her pay for it by making her scream his name so loud all the workers in the T&M company will know something is going on inside his office.

He put the car into drive and reversed out of the garage and unto the road.

Mara kept smiling to herself as she remembered what happened in the house. They had been married for 3 years yet it felt like they just got married. The love was getting stronger day by day, something she did not expect would happen at all.

Mara was born into a poor family and marrying Toby who was born with a silver spoon was something she wouldn't have believed possible 5 years before.

But it happened and she never regretted it for once. She was pulled out of her happy thoughts when a driver collided into her car from the back. It was a small hit but it jerked the car forward a bit.

She bit down on her tongue to prevent from cursing at the driver who looked drunk and kept switching lanes.

Her ringtone pulled her eyes away from the man and she smiled again as she saw the name of the caller.

She picked her phone up and spoke to the person in a pretend angry voice.

"What do you want?."

"You." The person answered making her blush beet red.

"Why are you calling?."

"To inform you that I'm really angry with you, baby-bugga-boo."

"Really? Wow! I'm so scared right now." Sarcasm dripping her tone.

Toby chuckled.

"I won't be so sassy if I were you. You're yet to know how I'll punish you and you're acting like this."

"Uhm I wonder how you wish to punish me." She said while her heart almost jumped into her throat as the drunk driver that hit the back of her car got too close to the side of the car. She tried switching lanes but another car was close behind on the other lane leaving her with no choice but to remain where she was.

"Ever heard doggy style?." Toby's voice distracted her from the road again.

"What's that?." She asked wondering what her husband was up to this time.

"It's a sex style, hon." He replied smugly.

"What!." Mara screamed and looked up to see the drunk driver's car had sped before her and was crossing her lane. In an attempt to avoid hitting the man's car and killing the man, she turned the car to the right, dropping the phone in the process. she entered the other lane and looked back, seeing the other cars were still far back she sighed relieved and bent to pick her dropped phone when she heard a very loud horn directly in front of her. She looked up to a large and heavy truck hitting her car with a loud smash.

Everywhere was silent for a second before car horns started blaring and people started screaming and rushing to the accident scene.

And he heard it all.




August 22 , 2020
