Chapter 11 Back Home Part 1

I watch as the clouds come in my view and the land below me shrinks and shrinks. The view is breathtaking from this height. I look out of the window until the plane tilts to the other side and I can no longer see the land but the sky and the setting sun.

I look at the figure sitting in front of me with a glass of wine in his hands and looking at me but his mind seems somewhere else. I wave in front of my face but he does not respond nor blink. I don t know what he is thinking. I mentally shrug and let him.

I don t know what Autin has seen in me that he claims me to be his. I don t know if he is playing with me or if he is serious. I wouldn t mind if he isn t serious but my heart does not support my thoughts, they go against them. I don t despise it when he claims me to be his. I don t hate it when he gets possessive and controls me and my actions.