Chapter 2 Chapter 2

Although it was only more than six o'clock in the morning, the smell of food came from the Wilson's kitchen.

Mrs. Wilson is always the earliest one in the family. Although foreign workers have helped her at home, it is her greatest pleasure to prepare a rich breakfast for her children. She has always done it herself and never pretended to be an outsider.

"Good morning, mom!" Avery, who has always lived an extremely regular life and got up at six o'clock on time, will always be the second person to enter the restaurant.

I don't know whether it's her personality or her sense of responsibility as an older sister. She studied hard and performed well since childhood. Certificates and trophies filled the whole cabinet. Finally, after obtaining a master's degree in business management from Stanford University, she returned home to help her father's company.

Although the boss was her father, she was still conscientious and did not dare to slack off.

As far as the role of a big sister is concerned, she has indeed played a very successful role and set a good example for several younger sisters.

"Good morning, mom, good morning, sister."

When Avery was about to finish breakfast, her sisters came to the restaurant one after another.

When everyone sat down, John appeared at the stairs.

"Good morning, Dad." The most intimate third Ella spoke first.

"Dad, there's your favorite whole wheat bread today!" The sweet looking fourth child Chloe waved to her father with a smile.

"Really? That's great. " John rubbed his hands happily, walked to the main seat and sat down.

When he got up in the morning, he could see the four princesses gathered together, which was the happiest thing of the day.

After Mrs. Wilson brought the fried eggs to the table, she took off her apron and sat down. When she heard her daughter mention wholemeal bread, she couldn't help sighing, "Denny also likes wholemeal bread. If only he were here."

Although Denny is only the adopted son of the Wilson family, John and his wife love him equally.

Mrs. Wilson, in particular, couldn't help feeling sad when she thought that her son was far away in the United States and rarely saw him once a year.

"Big brother said he wouldn't come back. Does he hate us?" The mother's longing for her son soon infected Ella. She frowned and sighed like her mother.

"How can brother hate us? He just wants to make some achievements on his own." Chloe, who is still in college, reported to everyone: "yesterday he sent me an e-mail saying that he would take time to go home in two months."

"Is he coming back? That's great. I'll call him later. " Mrs. Wilson has unspeakable joy.

After studying in the United States, Denny stayed in Hollywood to work. In recent years, she has opened a software design company with her friends, which has been very impressive. Therefore, she is busy and often can't find time to visit her relatives in New York.

"Why doesn't he e-mail me but e-mail you?" Sophomore Sofia pours discontentedly.

"Because I love me more!" Chloe has a sweet face.

Because it is not a secret to adopt Denny, the fourth Wilson family has always been secretly in love with this big brother who has no blood relationship with him; However, this is a secret hidden in the bottom of her heart, which has never been known. Therefore, for her beloved big brother, she writes to him online almost every day, but he occasionally replies to her letter when he is busy.

"Don't stink. In the eyes of big brother, you're just a yellow haired girl. He won't love you!" Sofia said reluctantly.

This sentence has virtually hit the key of Chloe. Due to the age difference of eight years between her and Denny, she has always worried that she will always be just an ignorant little sister in his eyes.

Hum, she's not a yellow haired girl. One day she'll be brother's girlfriend! Chloe swore in her heart.

"What are you talking about? I... "Chloe was about to retort, but Avery interrupted.

"Well, take your time. I'm going to the company." Avery pushes his chair away and gets up.

"Avery, wait a minute." John stopped her abruptly. "How did you think about what I said to you yesterday?"

"What's up?" Avery asked knowingly.

"It's your marriage to Kevin." John reminded her.

"Is the eldest sister getting married?"

"When? When? "

"Sister, let me be the bridesmaid. I want to be the bridesmaid."

As soon as the sisters heard the news that their eldest sister was about to get married, they were so excited that they talked about it.

"I..." Avery could only smile bitterly. "There are a lot of things in the company. I'm very busy and don't want to get married so early."

"Marriage doesn't affect your work." John looked serious and said, "I've discussed with Kevin. He doesn't object to you continuing to work after marriage. After marriage, you can still do what you want to do."

"Dad, will you talk about marriage later?" Avery said reluctantly, "I'm focusing on my work now and haven't considered getting married at all."

"But you are all engaged. Will you put it off like this?" Mrs. Wilson commented for the first time: "you're not afraid of Kevin, he..."

"What?" Avery was confused by her mother's desire to speak.

"Mom, do you mean you're not afraid of Kevin running away?" Sofia simply went on for her mother.

Run away? Ha, it's best to run away! Avery thought.

At the beginning, she accepted the marriage arranged by her parents because of Kevin's appearance and his identity as the son of T group. However, after getting along for a period of time, she found that her fiance was not an ordinary playboy. She just met a super pornographic who loved one another. She always behaved well and couldn't stand living with such a man all her life.

She must think of a way to get out of the cage.

"It's yours. Everything you do is yours.It's not yours. Nothing you do is yours" She preyed.

"You can't say that." John sighed, "you're the eldest sister. If you don't get married, what about your younger sister?"

"Dad, have you made a mistake!" Sofia spoke for her eldest sister: "my sister is a strong woman. She is only 26 years old now. How can a strong woman get married before she is 30 years old."

Most women who pay attention to career development will not let marriage bind themselves too early.

"Dad, what's the age now? No one cares about this." Avery sighed, "if they find the right partner, they should get married first."

Avery pointed to his sisters with his fingers and said carelessly, "everyone work hard and study hard. In the future, find a suitable husband for yourself. Don't let your father down."

"Take your time." Avery, pick up the briefcase and go out quickly" I have to go. If I don't, I won't be able to catch up with the business morning meeting later. "