Monday came by faster than expected. Jared prepared early for his new job. All through the remaining days before the start of his new job, Jared helped Michael both at home and in the store saying its the least he can do for letting him stay in his house. It turns out Jared is good a very persuasive person.
Immediately he entered 'Glizzy Clothing Store' he went to the office of the manager where he signed his working contract, his work begins at 8am and ends at 4pm he took a look round the store and damn everything in it is expensive, very expensive. Jared started his work immediately as the cashier. His work station is at the entrance of the store.
After a hard day at his work place being his first day, he went to Mikey's to help out Michael in his store till the closed up by 10pm and went home. Both males had a light food for dinner and went to bed, recharging their energy for the next days work.
*** 2 months Later***
Work was the same, attending to the payments of the customers, giving accounts at the end of the week.
Today is finally the last day of the week and I plan to spend it wisely as usual. After work I'll go to Mikey's.
Unfortunately, life didn't agree with my plan today. Sharon, James and their friends came to the store. When they entered they didn't notice me. I didn't bother about them, I act like their normal costumers because to me they don't exist, I have no family.
After a very long two hours of shopping they finally decided to 'call it a day from shopping in Glizzy clothing store' that doesn't mean they won't go to another store. They shop like their parents money do not ever run out, they don't even know the value of money.
Immediately they got to the counter, they didn't notice me because they were talking or should I say gossiping. As I scanned each of their clothes, Hannah, Sharon's best friend and James's girlfriend noticed me and said
"Hey guys, is this not your loser brother, the one that increases in jinx every year as he grows. Such a disappointment he even knows how to work, I'm surprised he hasn't jinxed up this store" she snouted
"Hannah, why will you say that about my poor bother that was rude its not like his life will improve, all this work will soon go down the drain. Such a pitiful soul" James said mocking.
( Brother is changed to bother by James)
" Awwwwwn, such a baby. Eventually he will come running back to us in tears like the dirty baby pig he is coming to feed from his mother . Never mind, let's leave this nonentity to rot here, we have important things to do than talk to a nobody" She said waving him off as her friends agreed with her.
Throughout the mockery I stayed quiet and calm and smiled toward them, I then packed their clothes and handed the bags to them. Then they said " Such a bore" before they left the store.
Jared felt hurt but didn't cry or feel overly sad because he knew they mean nothing, and he shouldn't contemplate on their words but he did which killed his happiness. Rather than sulk all day, Jared tried to put a bright smile on his face till he finished his job.
Once he got to Mikey's he told Michael everything that happened earlier. Michael calmed him down, gave him something to eat and left him alone. Jared got up and went to help out Michael till they both closed the store and went home.
Jared couldn't sleep thinking about what his siblings and their friends said to him, then he slept of. He then started dreaming of what happened at the store, seeing flashes of other people laughing at him along with his family. He is sweaty, crying and shaking. Jared couldn't take it anymore so he started screaming unknown to him that he's screaming not just in the dream but also in real life. He woke up with the intense shaking by Michael who woke him and gave him water to drink. At that point, Jared made up his mind to leave his past, his family and become great, a man of his own. He did this with full and complete assurance promising himself never to turn back in any condition, he will work through thick and thin. Then he went back to sleep.
On the other hand, Michael was having a hard time sleeping, he kept on thinking of his son wondering if he's eating, if he's alright, if he's still the same son he once knew. Michael didn't want to think of any bad thought toward his son. As he was thinking, he heard Jared screaming so he woke him up and gave him water to drink, sitting beside him till he slept off. From that moment, Michael started thinking of Jared as his second son willing to do anything for him. Throughout the period Jared stayed with him, Michael didn't collect any money from him not even a penny allowing him to eat and drink freely so that he can be able to further his education. Then he laid down next to him and slept
By the next morning which was on Saturday, there was a mail for Michael which sat in the mailbox for months, when he picked it up and all the other mails, the envelop looked weird because nobody sends him anything, the only thing he sees are his bills, newspapers and other unimportant things. He looked at it and took it in, then he opened it and saw a letter from his son, Khalid. Michael couldn't believe it, to his greatest surprise the letter was written four months ago, the date of Khalid's return was specified which is supposed to be in two days time. Michael couldn't control his joy so he cried it out while reading the piece of paper.